opinion needed quick!

by independenthinker 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NewChapter

    They will LOVE her to death, and gossip in car groups later. They will be wearing their best plastic smiles, and be anxious to share their joy.

    A nice dinner sounds more fun---maybe a movie.


  • craigulous

    What if they suck your girlfriend in....... that will make it much harder for you to get out unscathed. She will be baptized and regular pioneering in 5 months, then what, lol. She must be Assimilated, resistance is futile! I honestly would not take her, I do not see what you have to gain, and lots to lose.

  • tootired2care

    If your going to take her just make sure to tell her before she gets there the real reason why everyone is going to be so nice to her. Otherwise she'll likely get drawn in by all the attention and then you have a real problem on your hands.

  • ScenicViewer

    NewChapter said,

    They will LOVE her to death, and gossip in car groups later.


  • diamondiiz

    You may have been forced to invite her, but she has no obligation to go. Tell her that she shouldn't come but you had to invite her for the sake of your parents. Tell her that if she goes she will be love bombed once she enters the cult hall and everyone will be friendly with her because they will try to get her to study, which she shouldn't do under any circumstances.

    You can also tell your parents that she's happy with her own faith and wouldn't want to disobey Jesus by entering another religious building - they should understand

  • mouthy

    I would love bomb any new faces.....Once I did it to a curcuit servants wife ( just visiting from another country)

    I was praised so much by all that knew them The couple themselves told me JAH was using me...

    Pity I didnt know the" TRUTH" in those days was the lie & I was a tool of Satan

  • leavingwt

    Friends don't let friends join cults.

    If you really care for her, tell her to stay as far away from the Kingdom Hall as possible.

    This forum is filled with thousands upon thousands of sad stories that would never have happened, if only we had never entered a Kingdom Hall.

  • NVR2L8

    Your parents will only approve if she becomes a JW, so her attending the Memorial may give them a faint hope that she has some interest in the "truth"...Maybe they will expect her to come to the special talk...to study...What if she falls for the love-bombing? Have you thought of that?

  • iCeltic

    If you are a minor then you must be 15 or under, it's not really something a 15 year should have on their mind. When I was 15 any girl I was going out with was amazing as well, but take it from me, and others here, you'll be doing her a favour by never inviting her to the hall. The fact that your parents are allowing you to go out with her, as a minor, tells me they are aren't hard core, and the fact that you are doing it shows you aren't hard core so why you'd want to take her is beyond me.

    Enjoy your youth but don't ruin hers by introducing her to a cult.

  • independenthinker

    it went fine. everyone was f"riendl"y. i understand what you guys are saying, she saw right through them anyway!

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