Do I have this right?

by allyouneedislove 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • allyouneedislove

    Do I have this right?

    JW are to be completely obedient to the FDS. They are not to question, speak against the teachings of, or disobey the FDS.

    However, the FDS's teachings change and many past teachings are now seen as incorrect.

    Still, though, JWs are to completely and unquestionably obey all teachings of the FDS, no matter if they personally believe such are wrong or if they carry severe consequenses.

  • leavingwt

    Yes, this is how cults work. The leader(s) gives the orders, and everyone must obey or be excommunicated.

  • ziddina

    It's called "spiritual slavery"....

  • nugget

    Yes the FDS are gods representatives on Earth so even when they are wrong they are right.

  • james_woods

    Yes, (and it sounds like a loony comedy sketch on Saturday Night Live) - but this really is JW reality.

  • besty

    why do you ask?

  • blond-moment

    1. Yes, to question the F&DS is to question God himself. Their recent literature even states "you must obey the F&DS to have Jehovah's approval" They say jump, JW say how high and how far. (no joke that was actually said in a talk) It is rampant thru the literature how they equate themselves to God and Jesus, they speak for God, they are needed for salvation and that they are your mediator (Jesus is only the mediator for the 144K) The WT really is their god. They idolize the WT.

    2. Yes the teaching can flat out contradict each other, make no sense, sound insane (overlapping generations anyone?) but the F&DS just toss it up to "new light" new understaning, even if that understanding was used before and rejected. Doesn't matter. You must follow that, see #1.

    3. They must, MUST believe what they are told. If they don't, and it gets out that they don't, they can and will be DF, most likely for apostatsy. Failing to follow #1. Doesn't matter if you can prove from the bible the F&DS is wrong, doesn't matter if you can prove from the literature the F&DS is mistaken or lying. Doesn't matter. Death (DF) or obeideince.

  • LV101

    "Yes, this is how cults work" and what a privilege people have in this country to be ignorant enough to join and be conned -- and the laws protect the cults. THIS MAKES ME SICK!

  • blond-moment

    Ignorance isn't to blame. Slick mind control can work on even very intelligent people. The JW do tend to have a knack however on focusing in on those down on their luck, mental issues, etc. But look around this board, very intelligent people in here, look into mind control, anyone can get duped if they don't understand the tricks being used.

    The WT is very slick.

  • 00DAD

    Actually the concept of the Faithful and Discreet Slave (FDS) is a JW Myth. They do not exist. It is the front that the GB use to assert their authority, much like in the Wizard of Oz.

    Regarding the anointed that supposedly make up the composite FDS, the GB recently said this:

    • "We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones." - Question From Readers, w2011 8/15 p. 22 - Emphasis added

    In practice, the "FDS" is probably the GB, but it's actually impossible to find out who's really at the helm of this thing. More and more, I'm beginning to suspect some shadow individual(s), probably a lawyer or accountant or some cadre of those ilk.

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