leaving your family for jesus

by serein 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Christ did the same, Cofty... and yet his mother and brothers followed Him. (at least one of his brothers that we know about) Would they have come to know Truth and Life had he ignored what He was meant to do, in order to stay with them? I think the answer to that is the point.



  • cofty

    TEC - Think about it. Jesus had men walk out on their families to follow him around Palestine based on a false expectation that the end was nigh.

    He was a false prophet and a home-wrecker.

  • tec

    Think about it. Jesus had men walk out on their families to follow him around Palestine based on a false expectation that the end was nigh.
    When people followed Him, they had no e x pectation of the end being nigh. He did not preach that. Only that the kingdom is near; that he had the words of life (as Peter said), and truth. Peace, tammy
  • cofty
    When people followed Him, they had no expectation of the end being nigh. He did not preach that.

    Different thread but he absolutely did preach the end was nigh. He was a false prophet of the same ilk as Russell, Rutherford and Harold Camping.

    You need to read your bible more and stop reading it through your 21st century American christian filter.

  • tec

    Give me some e x amples. Of course, then I could give some back. There are a lot of things that had to happen before "the end" came (assuming we know precisely what that means)... and even He said that no one knows the day or hour but God. That it would NOT come at a time when people e x pected it.

    Maybe you need to read your bible more and stop reading it through your fundamental filter.



  • cofty

    Its off topic but if you want to start a new thread to investigate how Jesus was a false prophet I will be very happy to join in.

    This thread is about the fact that Jesus broke up families.

  • tec

    I don't need to start a thread like that, I do not believe it, but you feel free.

    Any of those families could also have followed. How many people followed Christ besides his apostles? Nothing stopped the families of the apostles from following also, other than themselves and perhaps their attachment to a lie. (such as with the JW's)



  • cofty

    Any of those families could also have followed.

    So are you saying the wives and children of Peter and the other disciples were to blame for the break-up of their families becasue they didn't want to leave their homes and trek around Palestine living on hand outs?

    Christianity was a cult right from the start.

  • tec

    So are you saying the wives and children of Peter and the other disciples were to blame for the break-up of their families becasue they didn't want to leave their homes and trek around Palestine living on hand outs?

    I wasn't there. I'm just saying there was no command that they could not also follow, as with the other disciples and crowds. The mother of the Zebedee (sp) brothers was with them. And how do you know that some of them did not support them in their following as well?

    Peace, tammy
  • cofty
    And how do you know that some of them did not support them in their following as well? - Tec

    They did, its called living on hand outs when they should have been at home earning a living from fishing and raising their children.

    Jesus encouraged his followers to walk out on their wives and children and busnesses and follow physically him. He was a cult leader.

    "everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

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