When was the last time you cried and why?

by usualusername 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • iceguy

    October 2009 when my Mom died was the last time I cried really hard...cry a bit every now and then when I think of her.

  • Botzwana

    Just the other day. Watched Ordinary People on Youtube...Boy does that movie get me!

  • talesin

    Hi, usual. I got some bad news a couple of weeks ago and had a good cry. It was just one more thing, on top of all the other bad news I've had lately.

    LKL is right - it's like Drano-O for the soul. Tears are a physical release - that's why we have them, for both joy and pain.

    Like you, I was suicidal since I was a child. Life was flat and meaningless. Through my 20s, I sought help from doctors, who threw pills at me that just gave me bad side effects, or told me to 'get over it'. That made things even worse. I self-medicated with alcohol and drank far too much. I was sick all the time with a variety of somatic illnesses .... bronchitis several times a year, horrible cysts were very painful, and fibromyalgia since I was about 3/4 years old.

    After a lifetime of misery, I had pretty much given up. I went to the Employee Assistance Program where I worked, because I was using too many sick days, and HR sent me there. They, in turn, sent me to a therapist, who started me on a journey of self-healing. It's been a long time since then, and I've learned a lot from many different healers, but one of the first things she had me do, was this. Background: I had told her I felt worthless, and didn't think anyone cared about me, even though I cared about others, and tried to be a good friend.

    She said,,, I want you to think back to the first time you felt this way. Now, look at that younger self as a friend, and write a letter to her, comforting her for the things she went through. Talk to that younger you, as you would another person. Tell her that you understand she feels down, and lonely, and that you will always be there.

    As I wrote that letter, I began to realize that it wasn't my fault. I realized that I had no choices as a child, I was trapped in a literal hell, and that was why I had always been so depressed. It helped me see that as an adult, I could begin to heal those awful wounds, and learn to care about ME. That I am a good person, and a strong one. That was the beginning of a healing journey. Yes, it's had its ups and downs, but all worth it!

    One more thing she told me, that I would like to share with you.

    We may be injured, and the wounds may be deep. So, just like the caterpillar, who weaves a safe cocoon in which to grow to the next stage of being, we too, can weave a cocoon of protection around our heart, and allow ourselves to change and heal, until we are ready to be more open to feelings. When we are ready to emerge and experience life more fully, we will come out of that cocoon, as a beautiful butterfly. When a butterfly emerges from the cocoon, it sits for a while, antennae quivering, wings gently waving, drying in the warm sunlight.

    Finally, the butterfly takes flight. And a glorious, beautiful new life has begun.

    That is called metamorphosis. I did it, and so can you.



  • blond-moment

    Today, watched The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off - Jonny Kennedy. Seriously heart warming and heart breaking at the same time.

  • BizzyBee

    March 17, 2012. Listening to a choir (on the radio) sing "O Danny Boy." Not connected to anything except the mournful words and music. It is about a father seeing his son off to war - and when his son returns, "If I am dead as dead I well may be" he will know his son is walking above his grave, and saying, "I love you" and his rest will be warmer and sweeter for it til his son joins him.

    Pure sentiment - a great release.

  • Iamallcool

    PP, Do not tell your date that the last time you cried was in 2004. She will think something is wrong with you. Maybe you were not honest with us. Be more honest with yourself and others.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    A couple nighs ago. During phone sex with my boyfriend. I get emotional.

  • Lore
  • usualusername

    Quite a mixed bag.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions


    Btw, hope you are feeling better, usualusername.

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