IF we erased all history... WHAT "truth" would emerge in time?

by AK - Jeff 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I posit that if we put mankind into a state of suspended animation, erased his memory, and removed all traces of recorded human thinking over the ages, that given a few thousand years after his wake-up science and it's principles would have been rediscovered, reaffirmed. All the sound principles would be once again discovered and leveraged into powerful technologies along lines similar to those we see today. In other words, gravity, thermodynamics, astromony, magnetism, and physics of the universe would eventually be considered 'true', and verifible. Mankind would use these fact bases for a general redevelopment of mankind's civilization toward something very similar to what we see. All that would have been lost is the time it took to reaquire them.

    But religion, though it may also have again taken root in the minds of men due to our genitic disposition toward superstition, would be COMPLETELY different than the religion that exists today. There would be no 'truth' in Jesus, or 'truth' in Mohammed, or 'truth' in any particular beliefs that are today considered by the 'faithful believers' to have been handed down to men by GOD. There would be some similarity in beliefs, but the absolute truths that religion demands as 'correct' today would be missing.

    So, though I have stated this hypothesis in clumsy terms, in short, religion would be just what it is today - a crutch devised within the confines of mortal minds, primarily to assuage the fear of death, and used by the higher ranks to control the masses. Religion, faith, belief, are just constructs with motive, but no substance.

    But science would again attain to the same 'truths' as in the past - for these are really the residence of truth.



  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    Very true. And which technologies developed first would determine what Gods emerged, gods of harvest and wine or new mainstream UFO and alien based religions. The only reason alien-based religions are looked down on now is because how new they are, but religion has always been based on humans' current understanding of the world, and if certain technologies developed first than UFO religions would be perfectly natural.

  • TOTH

    In my mind, the glaring truth would be that in 5,000 years of history, the one thing that we have always excelled at was killing one another.

  • WTWizard

    Whoever has the biggest guns, the most means to go and invade every corner of the earth, would win the information war. Erase the whole Internet and every vestige of the past right now, and you would find the Vatican would simply rewrite history in a way to suit its own nefarious agenda. (Yes, the Catholic church, since they are the ones in the best position to re-infest the whole world). Every Christian religion would also try to do the same thing, including Jehovah's Witlesses. Yes, you would see Islam trying to preserve its own history and they might even succeed to a degree. However, the Judeo-Christi-SCAM would ultimately dominate.

    And, the world would suffer. We would go right back to the Dark Ages--this time, the deluxe version.

  • Phizzy

    I do not think it would be advantageous to mankind for your scenario to play out, it would take a good while to get back to where we are, same problems, and still plagued by superstition and religion.

    It could well be that the situation with religion was worse than now, where we are now is an accident of history, but imagine a fundamentalist totalitarian religion, like Islam + Big Brother, but worse, that holds sway over all mankind.

    To break the strangle-hold of those in power would be impossible.

    A far better future will come from the enlightenment of all mankind, for mankind to grow up, become thinking adults, not silly children intellectualy, do away with irrational superstition and belief, and face up to and solve all the problems.

    This may happen quite quickly, we have now the £20 computer, with access to the Internet by Solar power if need be, so the education of the whole world is already possible.

    Mankind needs to take on board that we are a Global Village, our ethnicity or where we were born or live, does not matter, we are all Humans, and each Human has rights and responsibilities, learn that, live a life based on reason and compassion for all people, and we will have Paradise.

  • trueblue
  • tec

    The same truths would emerge. Man would still seek out our creator. Some would still organize religion to control faith for the power that control wields. Science would be discovered all over again... though perhaps in a different way; the same as the truths learned from faith.

    Truth is truth whether we know it or not.



  • jaguarbass

    The truth that would emerge over time is the Golden rule.

    He who has the Gold makes the rules.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I get what you are saying. If mankind had amnesia about the entire past without records to tell him about the past, he would start all over again.

    New different superstitions and gods would arise. Maybe similarities to gods of their past would be common, but the gods would be different and based on different myths. The sudden appearance of man without a past would dominate their legends- explaining it all. NO JESUS, NO YHWH, NO BUDDHA, ETC.

    It would be similar to isolated cultures on earth in the past having completely different mythologies. This new, completely isolated from it's past, culture would come up with completely different mythologies.

    But they would still eventually come to the same scientific answers. They would find dinosaur and evolutionary fossils and figure out physics and realize that the sun is the center of the solar system in a galaxy among many in a universe.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    That's the point OTWO, that I was clumsily seeking to address.

    Truth would assert itself in science, but in religion, it would be different gods, myths, ideas.

    If one wished to prove 'gravity' for instance, it would behave the same way, and the eventual conclusions of it as a physical 'truth' would be bourn out over time again.

    So, where does truth reside? With religion, which would emerge as different than that we see today [for instance, in the scenario I present, there would likely be no person on the planet who worshipped and revered Jesus]? Or with science, which would eventually arrive at exactly the same principles and understanding that we see today [gravity, thermodynamics, energy, mass, etc].

    If the two histories could then be compared somehow, say through a time capsule of sorts, it would be clear that religion is from within man, not from some god outside man. But science would be shown to be truth in both histories, because it arises from outside of our minds - it is reality.


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