The Bible and Genetics

by sabastious 132 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    I recently read in Discover magazine that scientists have found a way to turn on and off memory cells in our brain. They say that this is good news for people with post traumatic stress disorder, which I was diagnosed with a few years ago. This, to me, brings up the ethical question of what did the traumatic events in my life, and the lives of others, add to society as a whole? What did those experiences mean and was our suffering worth it in the end? If in the future science can just remove our bad experiences with a scalpel does that mean that all our bad experiences were just what happened before bad experiences were done away with entirely? This type of ethical dilema is what can drive a person to atheism. When such senseless destruction occurs it becomes impossible to believe in a God that cares. Until, that destruction is explained to satisfaction that it had a meaning. What comes first? Love or violence?

    I believe the Bible, and it's influences, to be an answer to that question. I also believe that the Bible is a primitive science book describing human behaviour and traits. Something we now know to be coded in a highly evolved living language called DNA. The Bible is about the cause and effect of the human mind and is a key pillar in the great ethnosphere of the universe.

    What the Bible is at it's core is scientific art. The word art is very important because being such demands the reader take as many angles as necessary to digest the material. It's a book written by the people and for the people. An ancient mostly secret bill of human rights. I invite you to take a look at this peice of art by an artist named John Pitre:

    ^ To understand this picture you must take a good long look at it. You will first come up with some possible situations, motivations and intentions and they will likely evolve over time. There is a good chance you might understand exactly what the artist was trying to express without reading his words about it. However, if you sat and had some tea with him he would not be opposed to a personal interpretation from someone who had nothing to do with it's creation process. Such is with the Bible and it's writers. Many people for thousands of years have provided verbal or written commentary to it's words. What we see today in modern Bible's is a thoroughly combed desert. The book did not even have chapters and verses when they were written down. The books were created to be like huge paintings that would take years to understand. This was likely because they became products and a competitive market arose. This is why the stories are so epic and have twists and turns. It reminds me of a scene in a movie:

    The Grandson: A book?

    Grandpa: That's right. When I was your age, television was called books. And this is a special book. It was the book my father used to read to me when I was sick, and I used to read it to your father. And today I'm gonna read it to you.
    The Grandson: Has it got any sports in it?
    Grandpa: Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...
    The Grandson: Doesn't sound too bad. I'll try to stay awake.
    Grandpa: Oh, well, thank you very much, very nice of you. Your vote of confidence is overwhelming.

    This scene is a good way to open not only the Princess Bride, but the Bible. This blog will contain my thoughts on the Bible and it's possible ancient genetic themes. All posters of all types are welcome to discuss the topic of the Bible in general.


  • tornapart

    Very interesting post Sab.. love the painting too and I can see what you mean..

  • baltar447

    You're sounding really gnostic there.

    I think that if there IS a God that wanted everyone to know him he could have done a hell of a lot better job than the bible.

  • sabastious

    What is an Oracle System? Neo, the main character in the movie The Matrix by the Wachowski Brothers is protrayed as indestructible, but yet even he has to consult an Oracle. No one, no matter how powerful, has all the answers but God and history tells us that God works through Oracle Systems. One of the many systems throughout all of history that have been created is the Bible. The Bible attempts to be a next generation technology so to speak. That's why I believe it's a collection of books borrowed from other cultures. It's trying to get everything into one system. Which is what the book says it's doing in it's own mysterious Oracle way. Like any peice of tecnology it can be abused. The Bible does not claim to be the only system on the market.

    I attest that if you took the Tarot Card Oracle System and gave it to a populace that knew nothing about it they would use it for good rather than bad. This is because that's what Oracle Systems are designed to offer: a solution to life's mission impossible which is to be born again, or to have an epiphany about your actions and relative position on this planet. What this means is that Christianity and Paganism are interchangeable. They have developed ino opposites today, but share a common ancestor so to speak. To say such a thing even 50 years ago could get you a death wish, but it's very apparent that love can be found anywhere and that's the Bible's theme.


  • Flat_Accent

    Sab, you raise an interesting point, which I think correlates nicely with WT teaching:

    What did those experiences mean and was our suffering worth it in the end? If in the future science can just remove our bad experiences with a scalpel does that mean that all our bad experiences were just what happened before bad experiences were done away with entirely?

    Good and Bad feelings are both integral parts of the 'Human Experience', just like the feelings of pleasure and pain. Congenital Analgesia is a condition where a person can, never has and never will experience pain. Though that might sound alright it has some obvious drawbacks, mainly that the person cannot properly evaluate situations, and the possible risks to themselves or others. Without the feeling of pain they are ignorant to the dangers of say, putting their hand in the fire, or stepping on broken glass. One cannot function properly without both sides; pleasure and pain, a yin and yang. The same is true with our emotions and mental state. Having both Good and Bad experiences to reflect on can help us judge other events throughout our lives. But that is exactly what the WT is promoting. A life absent from bad feelings or experiences - "the former things will not be called to mind." The essence of naïvety, if you ask me.

    That's slightly beside the point, I just had one of those 'moments'.

    I'm not sure about your thoughts on the Bible - you view it as an imperfect book, yet you're willing to let it guide you? If is has no divine authorship, then the only understanding you will gain from it is 3000 years behind. People then were no wiser or sagacious than they are now. More than that, you can use the Bible to promote any ideology you like, so if anything your subconscious is making the decisions for you, and you ascribe credit to the book. Maybe I didn't understand what you were saying, so let me know.

  • cofty

    The ambiguity of the bible has nothing to do with any supposed artistry of the authors but with our historical and cultural distance from them.

    Because you don't understand what they originally meant to the people who wrote them you are free to engage in flights of fancy.

    By reading the bible in this way it becomes a magic carpet that will take you anywhere you desire.

    In reality the vast majority of the bible is thoroughly mundane, dull and repetitive. It is scientifically and historically inaccurate as we would expect.

    A few verses are fascinating and inspirational but lets keep it in perspective.

  • sabastious

    It was a high technology in the ancient world to be able to consolidate huge ideas into small stories of which you could then teach almost in secret to the future generations that can uprise and take control. It was even higher to consolidate them into peices of art.

    Many "magic practicers" of the old world were nothing more than secreted educated. Even today books are considered "enchanted." This to me seems like it is because education has always been controlled. The people who had the Bible didn't want the common man to have it. That was ancient education control and class distinctions.


  • sabastious
    In reality the vast majority of the bible is thoroughly mundane, dull and repetitive. It is scientifically and historically inaccurate as we would expect.

    It was very scientific for it's time. They didn't have microscopes so they people watched. What they wrote down is anything but mundane. Maybe when they are listing laws or kings, but mostly it's epic storytelling with characters and everything. That's why it captures the hearts of it's readers. I believe it's ultimately designed to educate you in being a good person. Much like the film industry of today. Based upon the movies on the market without strong morals and emotions the movie doesn't do as well. Avatar and Titanic are good examples.


  • cofty

    I believe it's ultimately designed to educate you in being a good person.

    I know the bible very well and I don't see it, quite the contrary. I think you are seeing what you want to see.

  • sabastious

    Flat I get what you are saying about bad experiences. Have you seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? But trauma is a whole other thing. Child rape and things of that nature are often naturally blocked by our brains. The fact that western civilzation for the most part use contraception means we don't mind tampering with fate. We will continue along that path into erasing memories that for some reason didn't block out, just like sometimes a fetus miscarries. That's what we are here for to create fevor reducers, so to speak.


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