The bible, seriously?

by Inisc 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flossycat

    Good info Witness-my-fury.

    Inisc, maybe make a note for when you get to Deurteronomy chapter 32 (if you haven't gotten bored out of your brain by then). If you're using the NW Translation (mine's from the 1970s) you'll see in the Song of Moses where it actually makes it very clear that the Most High gave to Jehovah the Israelite nation. All folklore of course, but how do the JWs explain this obvious tribal/god link?

  • transhuman68
  • Inisc

    Lots of great info, thanks everyone. It's so nice to see I'm not the only one that finds the bible quite shocking.

    Its kinda funny how the WTS says to read the bible, but when I was in I never did. But now that I'm out I actually want to.

    Only the more I read the less I seem to believe it.

    Wonder if one day the WTS will ever say, don't read the bible you'll open up your mind to apostate reasoning!

  • mP


    We still have the legacy of EL today in our modern world.

    The mascular form of "the" in spanish and other romantic languages is "El". The femanine definite articule is "La" as in Luna the female companion of the man god el. Its funny how xians throught out history always remembered El and honour him in their language and customs. Its only in our modern times we have forgotten this knowledge. We also of course continue to remember EL in words such as EL der.

  • Flossycat

    Isra-el. Beth-el. Many others, all indicating the masculine. (Like the Latin 'testemony' - only men were allowed to give evidence in official/legal disputes.)

    The witlesses even agree the Genesis 1 bit, about God/El/Elohim being God, JC, and - who else - angels???

  • Flossycat

    Thanks, Inisc and everyone. I'm still pretty new on these forum things, even though been d/a for 30 years. Really enjoyed this thread.

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