Quote from Giliad Graduation

by lostinthought 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • lostinthought

    So Loch made this gem of a quote on Saturday: the "Slave makes mistakes, truth is revealed progressivily. Our understanding changes and gets better"

    He also said that we know we have the "truth" because thousands are baptized but we should not only watch numbers....

    Ok, huge eye roll.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    So Loch made this gem of a quote on Saturday: the "Slave makes mistakes, truth is revealed progressivily. Our understanding changes and gets better"

    He also said that we know we have the "truth" because thousands are baptized but we should not only watch numbers....

    So succinct summary would look like this:

    ‘Truth changes so we have changing truth.’

    Marvin Shilmer


  • sir82
    the "Slave makes mistakes

    He weren't one of the "glorious 7", that statement right there, in front of witnesses, would be more than enough to get him disfellowshipped.

    Actually, I'll take that back. I think most JWs could get away with saying "the slave makes mistakes".

    You only get in trouble when you point out a particular mistake.

  • Quarterback

    So we shouldn't only watch numbers....I guess not. There are more Catholics out there, than JW's.

    And, what else should we watch?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea when it comes to baptisms, JW's are waaaaay behind. But again, what 'dub would actually follow through and check that factoid? None. They don't even keep up with their own literature

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So Loch made this gem of a quote on Saturday: the "Slave makes mistakes, truth is revealed progressivily. Our understanding changes and gets better"

    Here's my gem of a quote: GO FUCK YOURSELES YOU LYING ASSHOLES!

    Thanks for the info LOSTINTHOUGHT

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I think this is why they print so much new literature.

    They keep witlesses so preoccupied with the noo shight that they don't have the time, or mental energy, to compare it with the old shight.

    By making the generalizing statement “slaves make mistakes", they are absolving themselves from blame.

    Because if you don't understand, forgive, forget or accept these mistakes it's your fault, not ours.

  • snare&racket

    Those verses in Matthew never mentioned the slave accidently feeding the animals harmful foods, foods that could lead the animals to wander astray, it didnt mention the slave being a poor quality farmer, that got better.....

    Would you let someone with a hundred year history of feeding poor qualiy food by their own admission to the animals, look after all your belongings..........


    Men of the Governing Body, walk out of that building today. Say thank you to the staff, say goodbye and go live out the rest of your lives with peace of mind. Ray Franz will be forgiven by people, has been, despite his actions. Stop ignoring the crisis and listen to your conscience.

    Call it a day, shut it all down. Turn it all off.

    Religion is a Snare and a Racket.... remember ?

    Seriously, pack your bags, take your wife by the hand and go live out the remaining days of your precious life. The clock has sadly ticked away, and the scam that you now feed and allow to breathe is continuning to eat other peoples life years. Stop it all now. Walk away. Dont die in the walls of a factory, or one of its many properties. Die with a clean conscience knowing that in one action you may just make a difference to 7 million lives.

    Walk away.

  • mP

    im waiting for the truth about gravity to change. strange how the truths of nature are eternal.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    "thousands are getting bapitized" as opposed to "Millions" in Islam? I don't understand his justification based off numbers, why bring it up, if you are not looking (fixated as most rabid ones are) all the new converts?

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