A Popular Question Raised by people who were never JW.

by Momma-Tossed-Me 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I'm certain they have inside and outside financial consultants. Lawyers would not know enough to control and invest the vast sums floating around. Part of me doubts it is GB members themselves. Isn't it lovely to devote your life to a religion and the most basic things are unknown. Even the Vatican Bank has more transparency. I also believe that if you researched other religions, you would quickly find their financial officer. Perhaps I am wrong.

    The power behind the throne. As a side note, every church where I've worshipped posted the montly financial statement. The financial committee was always open to anyone who wanted to listen or play an active role.

    I would love to see a list of their stock and bond holdings. The GB members do not have the knowledge to deal with this amount of money.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    BotR - I agree totally. The GB are merely front men celebritites. They are as sold on all of this as the rest of the poor flock.

    There is a group of people who are probably not Jdubs reaping the benefit of this profitable business model.

    Oh, if only it would get exposed.


  • ssn587

    exposing where the money goes would be something, but for a group that wants its member to be transparent in their lives, they sure do live behind shadows don't they. someone is benifiting from all the sums that go in there. remember the r&f bethelites take a vow or proverty, don't know if the GB or higher ups do, but with all the benefits they receive and green handshakes they are duping the irs out of moved that probably should be piad to them.

    Parasitical pharisees is a good name for the GB. They don't deserve any adoration or respect, they remind me of congress pass laws they aren't subject to, while expecting the r&f to donate their lives to obeying them without question. vermin one and all.

  • 00DAD

    Interesting thought. The GB brothers are all probably so completely ignorant concerning financial matters that some well-placed someone with the appropriate business acumen could be completely at the helm, skimming all the money they wanted and the so-called GB guys would be completely unaware of it.

    In a way, it's sort of appropriate except that $$$ all come from the contributions of the R&F.

    Say, don't shepherds raise sheep so they can:

    • Fleece them, and then
    • Eat them

    I'm just saying is all!

  • ziddina

    A little visual aid to go along with 00Dad's comment...

    wolf and sheep

  • biometrics

    It could be the people going to the Hedge Fund traing course? Hedge funds are practically gambling, and therefore against WT policy.

  • blond-moment

    To be honest, I think the GB and Brooklyn control the R&F JWs. I think the Watch Tower of PA controls Brooklyn. Some fishy stuff around the Watch Tower and the IBSA. If you are saying "who?" look in any of the literature, they are listed before the Watchtower in most.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    @00DAD & ziddina: LMAO!

    My family raised sheep for awhile; we never ate them, nor did anything with the wool.

    We had them for the sole purpose of training our dogs.

    Sick 'em Rover!

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

    But seriously folks, someone really should launch an investigation. Wouldn't it be interesting? There must be a "mole" who would "shine new light" on those big dark dollar secrets.

  • jamiebowers
    What I don't understand is how they can live like they do and feel ok about it. They are living on the donated money of people living extremely poor lives without higher education. But maybe they think that it is a blessing from Jehovah? Who knows how they sleep at night.

    Like all successful scammers, they sleep in very comfortable beds.

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