4/15 WT - WTS Pridefully says they can " Guide " JW's past "Armageddon "

by flipper 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kosonen

    Infact how could the governing body guide their members through Armageddon, when all the saints are raptured before the end?

  • N.drew

    I think the intent of the article is to keep people coming to the meetings. If they come to the meeting they are more likely to donate some money. Seven million JWs have a lot of dollars.

    Why do I think so? Because they have published that specific directions will be forth coming. How will they know what to do if they are not present?

  • TOTH

    "Infact how could the governing body guide their members through Armageddon, when all the saints are raptured before the end?"
    Not all members of the gb are anointed. The gbis gradually being replaced by unanointed LAWYERS. How comforting that a bunch of legalistic sheisters will be GUIDING them.

  • glentrevette

    i am going to go immedietly back to the meetings or i am going to miss out on the specific instructions that must be followed thanks for publishing that warning article mr flipper

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I see it as a shot accross the bow. A reminder that they, and only they have instructions from Jah. Their mags are a constant blend of sticks and carrots and it quite nauseating

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "they phrase it that way because they do NOT want you THINKING"

    There are lots of things that they don't want you thinking about. They particularly don't want you thinking about the things they used to say, including their prophecies about the King of the North, destruction of false religion, importance of the book study groups, etc. Instead, they say, "Trust me, look deeply into my eyes...


  • man in black
    man in black

    I seem to remember the builders, designers, crew, and captain saying pretty much the same thing regarding the Titanic.

    Icebergs ? Don't worry we'll just go faster, trust us !

  • man in black
    man in black

    And another thought :

    At the meeting right after 9/11 happened, the po accounced and (this is pretty much a quote regarding what he said) that "we should not worry, everything is, and will be taken care of regarding jahs people".

    When I was getting ready to walk away from this organization five years ago , I asked the po just what was planned back then,and what would we have done if times really got bad?

    His reply :

    well, there was nothing really "planned" from the wtbts standpoint, we just needed to be reminded as to the critical times that we live in and to put our whole trust in Jah !

  • flipper

    Really great replies by all of you ! Thanks so much . Keep 'em coming ! I have to go to work and won't be back until tomorrow, have an all nighter at work so won't be able to reply to each of you until then, but have a great day and I appreciate your feedback ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sizemik

    As I read your quotes from the 4/15 WT article . . . I thought the exact same thing . . . the Branch Davidians and Peoples Temple. While the outcome is still pending . . . the tactic is exactly the same. Very cult-like.

    As a side point . . . I think it's revealing that they use Christ's example warning about the destruction of Jerusalem. In that example, Christ gave very specific signs to look for and unequivocal instructions on how to respond. He also included details on hardships to expect and prepare for . . . all of this nearly 30 years before the actual event, when an "organisation" didn't even exist! All in all . . . a poor comparison, except to a controlled mind.

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