Common JW phrases that aren't in the Bible

by biometrics 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 00DAD

    Overlapping Generations

  • WTWizard

    Their sense of "brazen conduct" meaning to not give the hounders absolute obedience (hence, worship) (this in a religion pretending to have zero tolerance for idolatry).


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "Anointed Remnant" ... "Unbaptised Publisher" "Approved Associate"

  • Chariklo

    This system of things...OK, I know binadub got there first but I hate it so much I just had to give it a go.

    "You're doing so well"

    "Missed you"


    honest-hearted ones

  • androb31

    "the one true religion"

    "New Order"

    "New system of things"

    "the society"

    "auxiliary pioneer"

    "the meeting"

    "field service"

    "turn in your time"

  • bigmac

    like Oz said---jehovah's witness.

    you would think that exact phrase would occur JUST ONCE in the bible.

  • androb31

    "the marks of true Christianity"

    "true Christians"


    "spiritual paradise"

    "book study"

    "judicial committee"

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    "Reaching Out For Privileges"

  • jookbeard

    eternal destruction

    salvation by works only

    punishment of the wicked

    sinning against the holy spirit results in death and destruction

    only Gods true worshippers will survive the coming great tribulation

    evil apostates are poisonous

  • Chariklo

    This when said by elders:

    "We want to encourage you" in the sense of

    "we want to show you scripturally just where you're going wrong and tell you what to do to please Jehovah."

    Similarly "spiritually weak" doesn't mean spiritually weak as anyone might think. It means "spiritually weak" as in "you're not doing what we tell you".

    Likewise "spiritually strong" "spiritually mature" "spiritual babes"

    In fact "spiritual" in a JW sense doesn't necessarily mean doing anything spiritual or having a spiritual outlook. It might mean giving out magazines, or "going to meetings" or even, and here is another one...

    "answering up"

    "answering up" means putting your hand up and giving answers a five-year old could work out from what's just been read straight from a WT article. It might even mean "Look at me, I've actually been researching in the Insight book and this is really truly what I found, aren't I clever/good/diligent/spiritual (see above)"

    "doing really well" as in "learning how to toe the Watchtower line"

    "missing you" means "why weren't you at the meeting/at the ministry group, your absence was noted"

    "studying" does NOT mean any kind of academic study, nor anyth8ing that stretches the mind. It means "learning how to switch off the brain and shut up with those awkward questions. And how to toe the line (see above)

    And a lot more where that came from.

    But then, I'm learning how to be a really evil apostate.

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