How did you visualize Jehovah when you were young?

by Matsimus 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    I think there was some sort of picture in the Paradise book displaying god on a throne in heaven. Old white guy, long beard, crowned, long white robe and sandels. lines coming out of him made him emit light. I didn't really believe that. If you look at all the pictures of the Paradise book you will notice some very weird things you never saw before.


    Looking back now, from my ivory tower, I now realize that I did not truly believe in the bastard in the sky. I sought to please my family; they sought to please their god and gain everlasting life.

    Being a child I confused the two. Now I see clearly, unlike the dim sighted apostle (saint) Paul. Oh! The angust.

  • mercedes_29

    I could never really picture him. I just went along with whatever was in the Revelation Book - which at one time scared the hell out of me.

  • John_Mann

    Interesting topic! When I was a child I always thought Jehovah as like his name in a fast motion blur, a very abstract thought. I did not see him as a person, just as a fast moving letters. Very strange! LOL

    But when I started to surf on the web and met some apostates, one of them used a fake Jehovah profile with that picture. Now I see that man when I think about Jehovah.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I never thought about it until you started this thread but I always thought of him as mean and scary, someone you would not want to get upset.
    I guess I was always afraid of him.


  • dinah

    I pictured him as an angry, old, man.

  • Zordino

    As a Kid I went to Italy and saw images like this. Also my Non Jdub relatives had Goddy pictures (mostly Jesus images) and images like the one below everywhere in their homes. So I drew my concept of Jehovah looking something like this. And Yah, He scared the shit out of me! As a kid I used to think that Jayhoover was gonna kill me at armageddon (pictured a horrible excrusiating death) cause I thought a person had to be perfect in order to make it through the big A bomb. It didn't help that whenever I did something that would piss off my parents, they would say crap like " Your gonna Die in Armadegon" Just writing this is making me LMAO.

  • lilbluekitty

    I pictured him either like the glowing dude in the Revelation Climax book or an old guy with a beard surrounded by blinding light, kind of like the above picture but also kind of like King Triton in The Little Mermaid, but like I said, glowing or something. LOL.

  • 3rdgen

    Being a child of the fifties, and having a harsh father, and being told that Jehovah is my heavenly father, I was terrified of making him angry. According to what I was told, pretty much everything enjoyable makes him angry. I spent my whole life trying to help him see something good in me.

  • BizzyBee

    There was always an ovewhelming sense of capriciousness - he would destroy you on a whim.

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