I don't like "taking the lead"

by I Want to Believe 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't like being led !! Rebel , I too have always been more of a leader than a follower ,given the chance I will takeover ! Sorry can't help it .

    Having a man tell me which door to knock on never really mattered ,but OMG having a teenager trying to make car groups could make me crazy . Some of the 'brothers' were just as bad ....I more than once spoke up and said how about if we did it this way instead :) ALWAYS with a smile and subordinate manner .

  • mercedes_29

    I always loved being told what to do in FS by a 13 year old boy. It made me feel so secure that a "man" was taking the lead. Also loved that you could be practically illiterate and have the worst time management skills yet still be a book study conductor, elder or ms because you had a penis.

  • Sulla

    Recently, I told my wife that I'd rather be her partner than her head and she didn't seem to know how to take it.

    Jesus! I Want To Believe, grow a pair.

    And, I wonder why it is that the sisters could not get it through their little heads that, if all you have in your purse is a paper napkin, then you don't have anything with which to cover your head. Protestants! Sheesh.

  • mrsjones5

    When my husband and I were newly married I explained the headship arrangement of marriage according to the wt. I told him that he would be the head of the family. He looked at me like I had lost my mind and said never mention that again, that as far as he and our marriage was concerned we were partners. And that's the way it's been for almost 20 years now. Oh, I shoud have mentioned from the getgo...my hubby was never a jw and he's all man.

  • 3rdgen

    I had to tell my hubby today that we are no longer jws and he is no longer my head. We are now offically partners. (good thing he agreed)

  • WTWizard

    I never liked taking the lead. Typically, I was the least experienced in the group as others had been pious-sneering for 10-20 years. I would always let the group organize itself, since I used to cater to preferences to make things work better and minimize confusion (and because I was too lazy to force-assign people to groups). And the worst part was saying that damn prayer--wasting the 2 minutes or so on that. I never liked thanking that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Jehovah for anything anyways.

  • Alfred

    I believe one of the reasons the WT eliminated the Daily Text from Field Service was to make things easier for the retired introverts who had to "take the lead" during the weekday field circus (when most elders would be at work).

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Some people are natural born leaders and other are not, no big deal, but it's a disgrace when an entity can browbeat men into leading because they need them; oh, and women weren't born with a magic appendage, so although capable, aren't allowed to.

    Personally I don't necessarily like leading, but if something needs to be done I put on my big girl panties and get to work; I’ve been counseled about this for “taking the initiative”. (I’m talking about small things like grounds keeping and minor repairs at the KH, they still need to be done and no one else was willing, yet I’m suppose to let it go to hell while waiting for a brother to do it? Huh?)

    I guess that's why the borganizations view of leadership and submission has always been kinda like sandpaper on my already watchtower chafed backside.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Oh, a funny experience. After conducting a book study when I was a timid teenager, I had a little kid come up to me, stick his middle finger in my face, and punch me in the nuts (pardon my French). "

    That is priceless. I wish I could do that to a choice few "study" conducters I knew

  • outsmartthesystem

    "We had a preteen who was baptized, so every time he was around, we had to wear random napkins on our head, usually McDonald's crumpled leftovers or tissues we had packed for runny noses"

    And this is exactly why the WT interpretation of headship is a sham.

    Listen sisters....if you come over to babysit this kid because he isn't old enough to stay alone....he MUST do what you tell him because you're the adult. But dammit.....when it comes to how you act within the spiritual paradise at the KH (for instance when meeting for service)........you'd better fall in line....zip your mouths and listen intently as his commanding, yet squeaky voice dictates the rest of your afternoon. And if for some reason he is unable to zealously lead the "large army", then you'd better cover your pathetic heads while you take the lead because it is SHAMEFUL for your head to be uncovered during a spiritual event that is happening in the midst of a kid who is barely old enough to no longer need a booster seat in the car, yet strangely, easily old enough to commit himself for life to an organization.

    Somehow the quality to lead is determined.....not by age or ability....but by whether you have indoor or outdoor plumbing (metaphorically speaking)

    I can't believe people still believe this shit

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