Message at yesterdays assembly

by isaacaustin 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cinciguy74

    This makes me want to rip my hair out. I basically dropped out of college in the 90s due to all of the pressure I was under. I tried to say it was because I ran out of money, but money for school (especially in the early 90s) wasnt terribly hard to come by.

    What really got to me was the feeling every time I stepped into the hall I was viewed poorly due to the fact that I was in college. This was also before the society changed their stand (the first time) about education.

    It is one of the areas my wife knows that I get pissed off about, and one in which I am VERY vocal about, especially when we are at home.

    I have taken a stance with my own kids that they WILL be going to college. I don't care what they want to do, if they say they want to pioneer, great, they can do it AFTER they go to college. They want to be a janitor, fine, they will be a highly educated janitor.

    I may just have to attend, just so I can give my wife the "See.... They are doing it again" looks.

  • out4good3

    Even if you were going just to give her those "see, I told you so" looks, she wouldn't get it and would just make excuses for them.

    I can't tell you how many times during discussions I've watched my wife paint herself into a corner in trying to defend WT nonsense. In the end, they'll always turn it around to being something wrong with you and out comes the persecution card.

  • Godsendconspirator

    " One of the things that has made me sad is the sight of a 17-year-old, bright, just at the start of his life, being continually dissuaded from any kind of higher education so that he can pioneer and eventually go to Bethel "where they get a far better education than anything the world has to offer" said my pioneer study conductor."

    Last week at the assembly I attended, there was one brother I believe was 21 years old. His experience was that in high school, he said the exact same thing to his guidence counselor and that he wanted to "serve Jehovah [his] god more fully."

    Also, has anybody noticed that Jehovah's Witnesses refer to Him, as "Jehovah, my God"? I thought if there was one God, he was for everybody.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    " they said that it is true that supporting your family is important…but not to give it too much importance and said it is like trying to cross a busy street. They said if you see a car a long distance off it is ok to cross, if you are too careful you will never cross the street. We don’t need to be too careful, or too far-sighted as far as supporting our family."

    With that point of view, the friends shouldn't give too much importance to supporting the circuit and district overseer. With the end so near, the leadership shouldn't need expensive, new, leased vehicles. Far better for them to experience the joy of relying on Jehovah by driving an old beater that's only worth a few hundred dollars. Since they're good drivers and the cars are so cheap, they shouldn't have to worry about insurance. And since the COs and DOs believe that higher education is a waste, they won't need to see any college-educated, worldly doctors and dentists, so just eliminate their health insurance. After all, it's silly to be so far-sighted to rely on insurance instead of relying on Jehovah for medical assistance.

    When the CO would visit, I would make it a point to gush about how nice it must be to enjoy such an expensive new car.

  • garyneal

    Billy The Ex...

    Well stated.

  • ABibleStudent
    isaacaustin - She heard them blast higher education…then warn to not miss meetings for work . . .

    I'm a little confounded why the WTBTS would say don't miss meetings for work? If JWs don't work, who will donate money to pay the bills at Bethel? I understand why the WTBTS does not want JWs to get a higher education, because then JWs might gain critical thinking skills and leave the WTBTS. Since the WTBTS stopped charging for its literature, how does going out in field service or attending meetings help the WTBTS collect donations? The WTBTS is a corporation and money is the life-blood of a corporation, so how does money flow into the WTBTS?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • baltar447

    Hypocrites. Bethelites miss meetings for work often

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Some Bethelites i remember, prefered to 'work' if it meant missing a meeting!


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    One of the "perks" of being a Bethelite was the ability to invoke "Bethel work" in order to skip out on meetings... when I was sent to the WT farm from the Brooklyn Bethel, neither I nor those of my buddies ever brought any meeting clothes with us.. we saw nothing but dusk-to-dawn work for at least six, and sometimes seven days a week, all summer long. If anyone protested that he would like to make a meeting once in a while, he was greeted with derisive laughther.

    For most, attendance at the Monday night family Watchtower study (in jeans ansd tee shirts) was a hit-and-miss (mostly "miss") proposition. The Circuit Overseeers, Special Pioneers, etc, that were called in from the filed to work with us couldn't believe -- were shocked -- by the prevailing Bethelite attitude towards regularity at meetings

  • biometrics

    They've been bashing education since I was a child. I excelled at school, science and math. I was encouraged by brothers not to persue further education, and encouraged to leave school at 15 years of age.

    My first job was labouring for a brother who was a roof tiler, I still remember waiting two weeks for my first pay. But it's OK because he's a brother, in the "Truth". After having to chase him for every pay, and nearly falling off the roof I decided to quit.

    I later got a job with another brother who was a brick layer. That lasted 10 months. Since I didn't like window cleaning, or cleaning (which a lot of JWs are) I took an apprentiship with some worldly people.

    After all that I decided to get an eductation (despite advice from elders). I now have a very well paid job, and a great family, and don't have to struggle to make money. I have more free time that I ever would've if I become a window cleaner, or roof tiler.

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