Bloodplates... Can it Really be Justified?

by mrbunyrabit 51 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ScenicViewer

    And they are such nice people...

    That is true, most JWs are nice people, but the Watchtower Society itself is not nice, and it is the Society that you will be subject to from now on if you join them. Keep asking questions when you notice an issue, and demand good, solid answers from them. They like to put you off without providing good answers to the difficult topics. Don't fall for it.


    I remember going to a hospital in Chi-town where there was a seminar on non-blood surgery and the benefits of it. I enjoyed it at the time, but two things always struck me: It is a matter of one's own consious whether or not you would be willing to recycle your own blood by this machine cleaning it and flowing right back into your own body, all in one fell swoop. It would benefit those most who had a blood disease, I would imagine.

    The second thing was that it could be ok to accept blood fractions, cuz well, we have come so far in science, etc. that they can derrive fractions from whole blood, and so a fraction would not necessarily be "taking in blood".

    When it came time for the new medical directive aka "blood card" to be filled out and witnessed, with these"new understandings" I commented to my friends, who were eager to be a witness (Can I get a witness, brothers & sisters?), I stated that in no uncertain terms would I accept blood of any kind. They looked like a dear in headlights and said, but now, if it is ok with your consious, you CAN accept fractions. Are you sure you don't want that? I reasoned (or tried to), "if a fraction or anything else comes from primary, whole or whatever kind of blood, THEN IT IS STILL ACCEPTING BLOOD!" Well, not really, cuz...blah blah blah (I do love my friends, but they made as much sense to me as I probably did to them-NONE.)

    "Well, what about the machine?" they asked, dismayed. ME: "So, we CANNOT donate or even SAVE OUR OWN blood, yet we can have a machine that continues to circulate and cleanse our blood outside our body, and then brings it back in again?" Yes! ME: "Huh? The blood is still TECHNICALLY outside your body." Them: "Well, not really, because the "machine" is just a facilitator." ME: "HUH? It is no difference in using that "advancement in technology" to store your own blood for later use, or using another "advancement in technology" called a blood transfusion." The "machine" isn't part of our natural bodies, so WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? Ugg. They meant well. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. I readily admit it, but all that techy, mumbo jumbo crap just seemed like even WTBTS powers that be, were looking for loopholes around their own blood issues.

    I stuck to my guns, and then they looked at me all cock-eyed when the DPA came up and I wasn't on the bandwagon about some other new advancement in science vs. what a witness can or cannot accept, according to their own consious. WHATEVER! Maybe this explains why I am no longer in the "Truth" and they are. I still have my medical directive. It took a few years before I yanked it out of my wallet (when I carry one). It is now sitting in my car's ashtray. Every now and then I take a gander, if only to see my friends' signature. We had some GREAT times. It's just a pity all the way around.

  • ScenicViewer

    AK MCGRATH said,

    ...WTBTS powers that be, were looking for loopholes around their own blood issues.

    I think you are right about that. One day in the distant future the whole blood issue will likely be gone, like the former bans on vaccination and transplants. It seems the organization is in a state of transition now over blood.

    In the future Witnesses will probably be in denial that the blood teachings of the past were actually part of the Watfchtower belief system. Will they write it off to saying something like "Some had misunderstandings in those days, because the Society always said it was a conscience issue?" We shall see.

  • Phizzy

    "Some had misunderstandings in those days" not understanding that the WT's murderous blood doctrine has no basis in scripture and no god has ever backed the teaching has led to the death of thousands.

    All who support this organization are as guilty as those who supported the Nazi regime and its holocaust in WW2.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    To understand why there are no scriptures that rule against having a blood trasfusion you may want to read this.

    Cofty - A really well written article. How have I failed to read Leviticus 17:15 all these years? (Don't answer that)

    I just tried to show that scripture to my wife but she was too busy, she was going to watch CASUALTY. The irony.


  • cofty
    Cofty - A really well written article. How have I failed to read Leviticus 17:15 all these years?

    Thanks. I know it sounds conceited but I honestly believe that article is bomb-proof. It assumes that the bible is authoritative and at the very least shows that there is enough doubt about the borg's interpretation of blood to make it impossible to risk your life over it.

  • Dogpatch

    hi friends,

    Just a couple of thoughts...

    1. There is no such thing as a whole blood transfusion except in dire emergencies. White blood cells at least have to be removed, as they are pathogenic.

    2. You are not necessarily shunned. Besides, it is usually kept a secret by the elders because it is usually only done in EMERGENCIES. They want you to be SCARED and THINK you will be, because they still like to use double-standards.

    If you go into the store and buy whole milk, do you know it is NOT whole milk? When you buy frozen meats and many foods in the store, they are NOT WHOLE. MacDonald's hamburgers were not mostly beef until just recently. Something is always added or taken out. Yet, WE CALL IT MEAT, MILK, LIQUOR, ETC. WITHOUT HESITATION. Are we lying???

    Sometimes, but more often we just don't feel it necessary to say all the things that have been done to it. It's tedious to get down to tiny details and unnecessary.
    Jehovah's Witnesses take blood. They eat it and they transfuse it. Maybe it's a little fraction, but more often it goes up to 95% of it is human blood with other things added or subtracted.

    If you believe the WT's line, it just goes to show how much their mind control is still with you. Time to write a book on all the things they do like this, redefining common words and expressions in cultspeak.

    I highly recommend that all of you who REALLY BELIEVE what the Watchtower says (as opposed to what they do or threaten to do) to get an exit-counseling session planned with a trained counselor. 95% of ex-Witnesses (IMO speaking from experience) have HUGE WT programming issues with language and word definitions. If you really believe their line, then you need deprogrammed. Or at LEAST stay away from the ex-Witness world, because you still think like one.

    Maybe it's time to stop being a Witness and see them as needing help and not Pharisaical arguments. And all of you know as well as I that they will never come out in print and admit ANY mistakes. NOR will they tell you you can do ANYTHING they don't like themselves. At most, it's "a matter of conscience." In the case of blood transfusions, they are making a big deal out of it in assembly parts while at the same time telling others in the Service Dept. what to say to the hurt or dying Witness. WHY????? LEGAL REASONS.

    Think about it.

    The Red Cross does not transfuse whole blood, neither do JWs. Just different particles are removed (or added).

    Randy Watters

  • pharmer


  • cofty

    Randy, I am sure you are right about the direction the organisation are taking regarding blood. Your point that "Jehovah's Witnesses Take Blood" is a good one and needs to be repeated constantly; you are right we play their game when we let them off with their semantics.

    However ....

    1 - Fresh whole blood is still being transfused every day in emergency departments, including the most modern centres in the developed world. If you are rushed to casualty (A&E, ER) having lost a lot of blood in a car crash or other accident whole blood is still the industry standard. Even Ron Lapin the best friend the borg ever had regarding bloodless surgery made this point very clear. Blood factions are used in the vast majority of treatments but it is recently donated fresh blood that will save a life in a major trauma and JWs still face this dilemma.

    2 - Even if the service dept are trying to move away from the blood ban - and I agree this is likely - there is no sign of this message filtering down to r&f elders yet. If a JW accepts a trasfusion for themsleves or their child in an emergency and is honest enough to say they don't regret doing so they will still be DF'd or DA'd by the local plods will they not?

  • rebel8

    Oh, platelets. D'oh! Even I couldn't figure out what blood plates were! lol

    Dubs are taught that synthetic clotting factor is available and works for everyone; if the drs say otherwise it's either the demons or they just need to be educated. I'm here to tell ya, synthetics (unfortunately) don't work for everyone. I'm one of them. They insist I'm wrong, the demons are influencing my thinking.

    They also insist all I need to do is take vitamins and herbs. I remember trying to get it through one dub's head here and he refused to believe this fact. Check out posts by user jw:

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