Latest May 2012 Watchtower: "JW wives must be more lovable"

by cedars 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    I have a hunch that couples who slyly use full-size inflatable dolls in the marital bed for their mutual pleasure could be displeasing Jehovah who looks on with a definite frown. However, by making room for Jehovah in the marital bed, the couple's need for the dolls might diminish. "Hey Jehovah you cheeky Creator; instead of perving at us, why don't you join in?"

    This is not as far-fetched as some might think. After all, when the Great Tribulation strikes, Jehovah is going to f*!k human kind over big time.

  • ziddina
    "My hubby adores me and says that I am indeed lovable but down deep I don't really believe him. ...." Mrs.Jones5

    Josie, Honey, TRUST me...

    TRUST the She-Devil....

    You're VERY loveable...!!!

    And you're sassy with it!!!

    That's like french vanilla cake - with MOCHA or PISTACIO ice cream!!

    You're definitely not BORING...!!!!!!

    And that's a GOOD thing!!!

  • undercover

    Apparently, God-fearing husbands should love and protect their wives "physically and spiritually", but the onus is on wives to be more "lovable":

    heh heh... that was awfully close to "the anus on wives to be more loved"

  • steve2

    Come on girls: List the endless ways you can be more lovable. Clue: Think Doormat".

    In the meantime, think of all those happy wives who will be nudged in the ribs during the Watchtower Study when this article is "studied

  • baltar447

    Oh, sister doormat! How are you?

    Oh, I'm fine. My husband Doogie didn't beat me today, I remembered to bring him coffee!

    Oh, sister doormat, You know that we can't pray on your behalf since you married out of the truth, but keep trying, Jehovah may one day forgive you and through your beatings and marital servitude bring your abusive husband into the truth!

    Oh, yes brother and sister uppity! I'm sure he'll make a fine elder some day!

  • ziddina

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    Yeah, Baltar, I think I saw that post of yours before - very funny!!!!


    As an 'active' JW I have to say that it is time to get rid of those old morons of the GB.

    They want to police every minute detail of our personal life and impose their spiritual mastu******* on us.

    Our religion is getting worse then the Pentecostals.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Why doesn't the husband have to be more lovable? Just the biblical command 'wives should love their husbands'," why gee, okay, if you tell me to." These articles are becoming more and more ridiculous. But, at the same time, make me think that more 'Christian wives' are beginning to think twice about the submissive crap, otherwise, why would they be printing this stuff?

  • Snoozy

    If that is a study article somebody needs to raise their hand and ask what they are


  • mrsjones5

    Thank you Zid.

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