What about alternative help for substance abuse?

by harleybear 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • harleybear

    Dear wha happended: Yes I am aware of outing others.

    anonymous is not an accident in AA , that is why I like it. No congregation chit chat or gossip, just loving help and support. No I have not gone to meetings for years. Interesting is that AA gave me the confidence to make the break I so desperately needed not only from the booze but also the "church" . By your comment of "keep coming back" are you also?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I do return, although not as much for myself, but as an encouragement to the newcomers. I received when I was in need, and now I reciprocate. Meetings are all very different. I've been to some with a bunch of old timers who will not allow anyone to talk about anything except alcoholism. no drugs, mental issues, whatever. Then others are way more open minded and liberal. Find your own group that makes u comfortable.

  • designs

    Glad AA worked, I went for help at AA (we met at a Baptist conference room just down the street from the Kingdom Hall). You don't have to go forever but programs like that can get a person over the hump of addiction. One Elder I knew sought hypnotherapy for his alcoholism and it worked.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I went to AA as a JW and the Elders knew and nothing was said to me except be careful not to rely to much on man...... Jah is the one who can give you strength.

    The Elders were more concerned about how A Brother could get Drunk in the first place since being a Drunkard was Evil......

    And Isn't YOUR Sobrity the Most Important thing.... so if Christian Loving Brothers really care about you........

    I think they would Support you....

    I knew many Brothers and Sisters who attended AA and the BOE knew about it and they never said it was wrong....(just all the Overboard precautions as mentioned).

  • talesin

    One of the reasons I was 'stumbled' (lol) was b/c of the rampant extreme drunkenness of elders and other pioneers. I truly believe that the society does not encourage ppl to get help for this for a very duplicitous reason.

    A lot of JWs self-medicate with alcohol because of their deep depression and the general malaise caused by the constant 'do more', etc. mentality. It's better for the b'Org to overlook the drinking, because if they get sober, they will soon be walking out that KH door - never to return.

    And to all in recovery -- good on ya! You have my respect and admiration. One day at a time ...


  • designs

    'if they get sober they will soon be walking out that KH door' amen.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    So true Talesin.......

    Charlie Sobered Up...........

    and Left!!!

  • harleybear

    wow such great and encouraging comments from you all. It is true that what really matters is ones sobriety. Aome AA groups do only allow discussions about the booze only, fortunately I go to an outstanding group that although the focus is alchohol it is recognized that other addictions do come into place. Blonde thank you for the thread of older chats on the subject. Talesin it is so true that once you sober up it is out the door of the KH. I am a "newby" with JWT just a few days. My house mate who is a DF'ed Br introduced me to the site. My hubby the "globe head" (that's my term for wordly) loves the site as well and gets some great giggles from it but also is so taken aback by the amazing experiences that so many have suffered from. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop both in respect to our housemate living with us and also the up and the coming April 5, uggWill keep you all posted. Harleybear and ridin free

  • Nice_Dream

    I know of a brother who the elders were harassing about attending AA and encouraged him to stop going to those meetings. He kept relapsing and eventually told the elders he was going to keep going to AA whether they liked it or not. The elders weren't pleased, but the main thing is the brother got the help he needed from people who could really help him.

    I can't stand how some elders with no credentials offer crappy advise to those who are really in need of assistance.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Tali, my worst drunk stories usually included brothers or sisters. I don't know what it's like around the country but in Los Angeles, the dubs drink like fish

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