Anyone remember when Jesus shaved ?

by wheelwithinwheel 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • wheelwithinwheel

    A funny childhood memory came back to me recently. Everyone was accustomed to viewing Jesus clean-shaven in all the WT Soc. publications. Suddenly we were informed by the WT that there had been new light. In order to be spiritually accurate, Jesus should be sporting a beard, like all Jews of his time.

    Previously my parents had punished me for drawing mustaches on my Watchtower illustrations, but now beards were in. I was even encouraged to correct the official WT calendar with a felt marker. The calendar had come off the WT presses too early, and if I remember correctly, showed Jesus and the apostles without their facial hair, discussing the END on the mountain. I got busy altering our calendar. My parents were thrilled with the result and proudly showed all visitors their offspring’s artistic talent which had made possible their spiritually accurate calendar.

    Could this have some connection with the fact that numerous male ex-JW’s grow beards !

    Anyone else remember this ?

  • jayhawk1

    In the 1930s Rutherford had the society art department keep all of the prophets and Jesus shaved. Tallyman had a site that showed the pictures, but his site is down.

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • NeonMadman

    I don't remember it ever being discussed in the publications, but what was explained to me when I was first studying with the JW's was that perfect men did not grow beards, hence pictures of Jesus (and Adam) with no beard. I have no idea where that teaching came from. But, if I understood correctly, then the Society's position at that time would have been, not that Jesus was "clean-shaven," but that, in fact, he never had to shave at all.

    An odd teaching, really, since it would be the man whose beard never grew to a point of having to shave who would, in most of human society, be considered less than perfect, or at least having a (lack of) hormone problem.

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • metatron

    Knorr and others hated beards. They were afraid a bearded Jesus
    would encourage brothers to grow beards. Things changed,
    at least in the publications, after the question from readers
    on the subject - Jesus would have appeared Roman or Gentile
    if he had no beard.


  • one

    The "PARADAISE" book shows Jesus without beard.

    The book was widely "sold" during the 1960's. 75 cents to the public, pioneers got it for 15 cents each. Some good sales/pioneer were making a good living out the 'preaching' work.

    Magazines were 1 cent for pioneers, 5 cents to the public.

    Please calculate the "mark up" or profit margin for me.

    That was the book that put the WT on the 'stage'. It was an unkown religion, up until the publication of the book, much less than a million jw.


    Hey wheelwithinwheel,when I was a kid all WBTS drawings of males were clean shaven.I also remember the new light.Does it really take a genius to figure out men from ancient days wore beards?Even as a little kid I knew they were full of shit...OUTLAW

  • RunningMan

    Actually, the current publications are only marginally more accurate than the old ones. The new books show Jesus with a short, neatly trimmed beard, similar to Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes.

    In reality, it was against the law for Jews to round the corners of thier beard. So, Jesus really should be depicted with a long and rather shaggy beard - sort of like a modern Hasidic Jew.

  • blondie

    Starting in 1968, Jesus was depicted with a beard in the WT publications. There is no real explanation as to why he had not been in the past (unless you see more in the pseudo archaeological comments I did not include). Note that it was possible to see bearded and nonbearded men in the early Christian congregation but not today. They cover their behind but putting in a paragraph saying beards on men are not appropriate now. But note the comment that beards may be required in Paradise.

    *** w68 5/1 286 Questions from Readers ***
     When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
    Biblical evidence is the most reliable testimony to be found on this question, and a recent careful review of what it says indicates that Jesus did indeed have a beard.

    Jesus, born a Jew, “came to be under law” and he fulfilled the Law. (Gal. 4:4; Matt. 5:17) This was in order that he might pave the way for the abolishing of the Law and for release of the Jews from the curse of the Law, the condemnation of death that it brought against them. (Eph. 2:15; Gal. 3:13) Like all other Jews, Jesus was under obligation to keep the whole law. One of the commandments of the Law was: “You must not cut your side locks short around, and you must not destroy the extremity of your beard.” (Lev. 19:27) God doubtless gave Israel this law because among some pagans it was the practice to cut the beard in a certain fashion in worship of their gods. (Jer. 9:26; 25:23) Nevertheless, that law did not mean that a beard was not to be well kept, for in the Near East a well-groomed beard was considered a symbol of dignity and respectability.—2 Sam. 19:24….

    Nevertheless, as already shown, it is apparent that Jesus did wear a beard, and so artistic representations of him in future Watch Tower publications will harmonize with the Scriptural evidence to that effect.

    Doubtless the early Christians followed the custom of the time and locality in which they lived, with regard to the wearing of a beard. The Roman custom was beardlessness. Romans converted to Christianity would very likely continue in the Roman custom, while converts from the Jewish community would continue in the Jewish custom of wearing a beard.

    Today Christian ministers, like the early Christians, are concerned with neatness and cleanness, but they strive to dress inconspicuously, so that their appearance does not in any way detract from the dignity or the effectiveness of the message they bear. (2 Cor. 6:3, 4) In recent years in many lands a beard or long hair on a man attracts immediate notice and may, in the minds of the majority, classify such a person undesirably with extremists or as rebels against society. God’s ministers want to avoid making any impression that would take attention away from their ministry or hinder anyone from listening to the truth. They know that people are watching true Christians very critically and that to a great extent they judge the entire congregation and the good news by the minister’s appearance as a representative of the congregation.

    In paradise restored on earth it would not be out of order if men returned to wearing beards, in perfect fashion, like Adam in Eden.

  • zugzzwan

    The first thought that runs through my mind is........Do they really have nothing more important to manage than beards? I mean think about it the WTS is one of the largest land owners in the world, they have millions of dollars worth of technology, they were in many instances light years ahead of industry in printing technology, they had thousands of ant workers bringing in thousands of dollars, why in the world would they care? I mean come long as the bucks keep coming in!

  • Francois

    It's not hard to figure out. The Mosaic law required beards. Therefore Jesus had one.

    And if we're still under the great "PRINCIPLES" of the law, ALL JW men should be wearing beards. I know some older JW women that do, hehehehehe.

    In fact, check out THESE scriptures:

    [27] Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.
    [5] They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.

    I say the great "principles" of the OT should be enfored on JWs. After all, if you know your brakes are bad and you get in a wreck and kill some JWs who are riding with you, you're bloodguilty, right?

    I say I know bullshit when I hear it; I say the JWs are a cult; and I say fuck 'em.


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

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