Playing games or cards after the Congregation Book Study?

by A question 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • A question
    A question

    How common was that where you live? Had you ever heard of that before?

  • elderelite

    We did it often.... We called it family night

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    For most of the time that I attended meetings, the book study was held at the hall. WHen the arrangement changed and we were required to have only one book study meet at the hall, the other groups were assigned to someone's home. The group I was assigned to met at the POs house and the first meeting of each month was designated as "get together" night. Everyone would bring food and after the study we'd all hang out and socialize. Pretty much everyone from the hall, even those in other book study groups, would come. The kids loved it, and since I was not being shunned yet, it was pretty fun for me too. But it did make for a late night - we didn't usually get the kids to bed until 10:30 or 11 those nights.

  • 3rdgen

    Iv'e been in book studies where we stayed and talked till late. Been in bookstudies where we watched TV. My favorite was the one where we brought wine and beer and had a party afterward. That was squashed by someone who complained. (probably wished they were with us!) However, the vast majority of the book studies I was in were dull and people left quickly. Many times I was assigned to the KH. NEVER any fun there!

  • JRK

    I was at a cool Book Study, and we would sometimes play basketball or pool after it, when all the fuddy duddys left.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    We only had "cup of tea night" that was once a month and usually it was just tea and coffee and cake and biscuits. No games or tv or anything like that, though.

  • snare&racket

    Lol... Put your hand up if you witnessed the whole "shoes on, shoes off" debate... Lol they had freaking kingdom ministry's on that garbage.... [shakes head in embarrassment]

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I remember the shoes on/off thing but I agreed with it. The host has the right to ask for shoes to come off. It's not until you host a bookstudy (or close to someone who does) that you realise how much wear and tear a weekly study group has on the carpet and furniture.

  • snare&racket

    Obviously broken promises, it's someone's home!

    But should shoes be taken off in a place of worship? Afterall the home becomes a temple when brothers organise to meet there! Lol

    Utter idiots.

  • DonutZ!

    We would have a little get-together after our book study at the kingdom hall!

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