If some kids got molested, the parents should have told the police, it wasnt the watchtower's fault....

by Joliette 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Joliette

    Onthewayout: You would tell my brother that, and it would go in one ear and come out of the other...

    A bible student: See the comment I just made to onthewayout.

    But hopefully one day bro bro will wake up and see things for how it really is, and not the way that he's sees it.

    Thanks for your comments everyone.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The tactic the "rigtheous brothers" use is to invite the victim to speak with the accused pedophile, hash matters out, perhaps a reconciliation might take place. Keep Jehovah's happy Witnesses in harmony, the sheep are not privy to the pedophile's confidential talk, and it is gossip, if you spread "Brother Chester, confessed to molesting two girls but was found repentant! He cried and displayed remorse, meanwhile the victim is hateful and unforgiving to brother Chester. It's not encouarged to talk with the police on matters, the highly trained elders can handle, or help muzzle those with broken hearts from betrayl.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
  • DaCheech

    Lady Lee hit it in the nail head!

    The elders will bring you to the back room and remind you of the "proper procedure"

    if you don't follow "proper procedure" you're in deep shit!

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