New generation

by truthseeker1969 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker1969

    One of my friends (non baptized) overheard his father, an elder and COBE talking with two other elders re; "generation" and he openly stated that "the society has stirred a great deal of discontent with this' and that is has "people talking".

    Apparently on the last CO visit the CO said the society at one point was inundated with questions regarding it and especially the word 'evidently' and what scriptural "evidence" there was and that the elders were told to "speak kindly" when discussing it and ask them to rely on Jehovah to reveal the matter and evidence.

    He spoke with this father re the "reaching out" articles and it has been noted by the society that many young men are refusing to take the 'lead' as they are not seeing "joy' in "reaching out" and that the society needs more elders drastically.

    I am wondering how long it will be before the society attempts to mark brothers for refusing to accept responsibility or making it an "offence' to not reach out in order to force people to do things in the congregation and when if ever they will change the generation thing

  • cantleave

    Those not reaching out are already treated as second class citizens.

  • truthseeker1969

    Cant i get the feeling that is what is happening, one young brother he is aware of was told his privelge of answering was removed two weeks after he was tole he was being considered as MS. The poor kid couldn't as he did not feel right being thought of as a "leader' when he was so young.

    I feel sorry for them and the pressure they must feel.

  • Heartofaboy

    Would Jesus put the needs of a man made publishing coporation over the needs of this young man...........I think NOT!!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I say go for it, mark all the brothers not reaching out. I'll reach out for the handle of the exit to the KH.

  • WTWizard

    I don't think the association with those freeloaders is worth the extra headaches of being a hounder or assistant hounder. First, you are held to a stricter standard--everything is objectionable because it might stumble someone, and you are responsible for things that others are doing wrong. More time is wasted--preparing for extra parts and "helping" others is required. You are supposed to love others that you are told to--and you still don't get to do things your own way.

    So, anyone that thinks I should look into it: Here are my qualifications:

    1--Having not been to the Kingdumb Hell for anything since the middle of 2005.

    2--I have a collection of music that includes both heavy metal and the filthiest rap I could get my hands on. Plus Christmas music.

    3--I have plenty of Christmas decorations in my place, that are not coming down.

    4--Putting decorations in the common areas for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter.

    5--Belonging to an apostate forum--or more than one.

    6--Believing the whole of Christianity is a scam.

    7--Not wishing to add to "a sacrifice, perfect and complete, to which nothing ever need be added". If that is a core belief in Christianity and the witlesses are a Christian religion, I shall hold them to that belief and not add more of my time as part of that sacrifice.

    8--Even while I was an active witless, my placements were sporadic. Even when I was getting 20 hours a month, I often didn't follow through on calls. (Side note: This is indicative that I would be a lousy missionary in any Christian denomination.)

  • LostGeneration

    re; "generation" and he openly stated that "the society has stirred a great deal of discontent with this' and that is has "people talking".

    I never thought they would be stupid enough to revisit this doctrine, especially after basically admitting it was a false prophecy in1995 and then messing with it again 2008.

    Sounds like the overlapping turd they laid stinks just a little too much, even to the point of setting off the JW bullshit detector!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Despite being in a major metropolitan area with numerous congregations, even multiple congregations sharing KHalls, there is a shortage of men willing to reach out and "serve". I repeatedly see young guys (can't really call 'em men) in their late 20s being appointed as elders. Then the WT Study tells pubs to seek out these "older men" with years of experience for counsel about life's anxieties and struggles. WTF?

    A 27yo new elder's life experience:

    Birth to 3 -- sucking tit, potty training, crawling to walking, being lugged out D2D

    5 to 10 -- A,B,C's, multiplication tables, riding a bike, taking out the trash, D2D, unbapt pub

    11 - 13 -- GENITALS and the opposite sex, (there ain't nothing else he's gonna notice now), D2D as long as it's not in territory with school friends

    13 - 18 -- masturbation, downloading porn, and the opposite sex, (feeling up some chick if he's not too goody goody, hiding the sausage if he's naughty naughty) and getting dunked at some point of time in there, walking the mics, D2D as long as it's not in territory with the girlie he's doing the nasty with, getting driver's license (decision on 4-door junker for service appearance or 2 door chick magnet), sneaking Dad's booze and getting shit-faced first time,

    19 - 21 -- walking the mics, recommended as MS, masturbation isn't satisfying anymore, esp if he's been doing the naughty naughty already, so he finds some starry eyed JW girl to marry, and typically knocks her up the first year, if not the first night (with that 2 second premature ejaculate if he wasn't in the naughty naughty world already), D2D even tho he hates it and is tired on his @$$ on Sat morning after the cleaning job late Friday night and drinking a 12-pack of cheap beer out fishing or hunting if he can justify missing D2D

    22 - 25 -- walking the mics, dumped on with more BS MS assignments, downloading porn and masturbating since his wife is too tired taking care of the 3 kids (2 more as a result of the anniversary boinks he got), tired of hearing the complaining that they need some place bigger than this apartment or mobile home, not as much D2D since he can count 4 hours with the kiddos, and blame them for being sick and/or cranky on Sat morns

    25 - 26 -- walking the mics, excels in MS assignments since there is no other reward in life, plus wifey often says home with kids since she's tired of taking care of them all by herself so he can run the mics or the sound or check the parking lot or stand in the back of the KHall a schmooze with elder that uses him to sub for parts he cannot get up, so he has more freedom to do things at the KH, and spends a lot more time "studying late on the computer" since wife goes to bed dead@$$ tired anyway and has put on 50 pounds anyway, love D2D on Sat mornings just to get out of the f&%$ing house and get away from the bitchy wife and whining kids, that plus the exaggerated 10-15 hrs spent in FS (at Starbucks) makes him look like a spiritual Giant

    27 -- Dear Brother Exemplary, is there any reason why you cannot serve as Elder in the Congo?

    27yrs 10 minutes -- Every other burnt out Elder tries to unload something onto him and he cannot and will not say NO

    27yrs 1 month -- Head gets huge, ego out of control when he reads WT article cited above reinforcing how wise and experienced he is.

    28 -- Cir Assm parts (if he has ANY speaking ability whatsoever), otherwise just sits jealous and disgruntled that all he gets is parking lot attendant responsibility and everyone else gets speaking assignments

    30 -- Dist Conv assignments (if he has ANY speaking ability whatsoever and has sucked up enough to CO -- helps if he gets money from family inheritance), otherwise just sits jealous and disgruntled and bitches with other Class II Elders about only getting parking lot and bathroom cleaning assignments while the Golden Boys get all the Limelight

    It's a Spiritual Paradise.


  • iarts

    Unappointed men are definately treated as second class.

    Based on the genuine biblical requirements for appointment as ms/elders, plenty of men would qualify (and plenty of those that are appointed would be disqualified).

    Based on the WTS requirements, few men qualify.

    If the WTS used the scriptural requirements, I would have been appointed long ago ... maybe it's a good thing they don't!

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The Watchtower collective must be the only people on the planet who use the word generation in the exact opposite way to it's true meaning . There isn't a day goes by when I read or hear in the media the true rendition of the word generation and it bears no resemblance to the Watchtower interpretation.

    Surely the mass membership of the Jehovahs Witness confidence trick cult should have spotted the deliberate mistake by now. When is somebody in the Org. going to stand up and say enough is enough we are not that gullible to believe in such a stupid explanation.

    The Governing Body must be thinking if their followers swallow the Generation thing they can get away with telling them any old cock and bull story.

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