Regarding Acts 15 and a "Governing Body"

by Ding 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ding

    I couldn't find a window on which to post in xtreemlyconfused17's Acts 15 thread, so I'm responding here. Some elder claimed that Acts 15 shows the existence of a first century Governing Body.

    Quite the opposite!

    Let's back up to Acts 13. There, the Holy Spirit called Saul (Paul) and Barnabas to missionary work. The Christians at Antioch blessed them and sent them out. No consultation with Jerusalem or the original apostles at all. When they returned, they reported back to the Antioch Christians, not to some "Governing Body" in Jerusalem. (Acts 14:26)

    By Acts 15, it was brothers who came FROM Jerusalem that were causing a serious PROBLEM by bringing false, legalistic teachings to Antioch. Paul didn't go to Jerusalem because there was some sort of Governing Body there. He went to Jerusalem because the legalistic falsehoods originated in Jerusalem and were spreading from there. So it was natural for Paul to go TO Jerusalem to make the brothers there aware of what was going on and to get it stopped.

    In other words, it was what the WT considers "headquarters" where the false teaching originated. Paul had to go there to get it stopped, not to ask what the "truth" was. OF COURSE, the leaders in Jerusalem had to make some sort of statement. It was men who purported to speak with their backing that were causing the problem! This conclusion is supported by the fact that the reply was sent to the Antioch Christians, not circulated to congregations everywhere as some central directive. Luke later reported this in Acts 15, but not because some "Governing Body" directed him to do it.

    In Galatians 2:6, Paul says of this, "And from those who were reputed to be something (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality) -- those, I say, who were of repute added nothing to me..." Paul said the reputation of the Jerusalem brothers made no difference to him and they added nothing to him by issuing some centralized decision. God shows no partiality. They were NOT a part of some "Governing Body"!

    Later in Galatians 2:11, same issue: circumcision. There, Peter came from Jerusalem to Antioch and ate freely with uncircumcised Gentile brothers. But when certain men came from James (the leader of the Acts 15 conference in Jerusalem, probably Jesus' half-brother, certainly an apostle) Peter drew back and refused to eat with uncircumcised brothers. Instead of accepting this as a directive or "new light" from the "Governing Body" in Jerusalem, Paul confronted "Governing Body" member Peter (an apostle personally selected by Jesus) and rebuked him for acting hypocritically.

    So the idea that there was some sort of "Governing Body" in Jerusalem from whom all Christians took orders is simply FALSE. The accounts in Acts show exactly the opposite!

  • wasblind

    Thanks for that detailed post Ding

    Very much appreciated :)

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Nice summary. Interesting and useful.

  • mind blown
    mind blown


  • possible-san

    In Japanese, a "Governing Body" merely means a "Riji-kai" (a "governing board", or "the board of directors" / "the top-level executives").

    I conjecture that that word (GB) is probably such a meaning even in English.

    Naturally they have no biblical basis.
    Of course, there is no such word (GB) in the Scriptures.


  • possible-san

    The Japan branch rendered into the unfamiliar Japanese word "Touchi-tai."

    The Japan branch sometimes makes a "coined word."

    Well, people say that there are many mistranslations by the Japan branch recently.
    This is an interesting phenomenon.

    Maybe, the Japan branch is authoritarianism more than the GB.
    With regard to the English word "should", they always translate into an injunctive meaning.


  • Vanderhoven7


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Thanks Ding! Interesting reading.


  • Joojoobean

    Will be passing your post on to my hubby. This is fascinating, powerful stuff. Thanks!

  • Hoffnung

    Some supporting details from Acts 15. If we would suppose Paul went to see the Governing Body of the that time, let us see who was part of that comite, and the ideas they fostered. Acts 15:5 reads: "Yet, some of those of the sect of the Pharisees that had believed rose up from their seats and said: “It is necessary to circumcise them and charge them to observe the law of Moses.”

    So the socalled Governing Body had Pharisees amongst them that clearly propagated sectarian ideas...

    Now maybe some smart cookie says: they were part of the congregation but not of the Governing Body, as the meeting started only in verse 6. Well, let us read what happened in that meeting, verse 6 reads: "And the apostles and the older men gathered together to see about this affair. 7 Now when much disputing had taken place..."

    Clearly quite a big part of the apostles and older men had the same ideas as the Pharisees, otherwise there would not be such a dispute.

    Do you like the idea to be part of an organization that is led by Pharisees from the very beginnings? If you don`t like the idea, maybe Acts 15 is not a great support for the Governing Body concept.

    Just my 0,02$


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