Las Malvinas AKA The Falkland Islands - why the argy-bargy?

by cedars 319 Replies latest members politics

  • Knowsnothing

    I find myself in agreement with Las Malvinas. Even if it was 179 years ago, that property was wrongly taken.

    Should Britain have stayed with India? That's how I see it.

  • cofty

    Why not just sell them? No free hand-outs, no political suicide. - Knowsnothing

    255 Brittish troops died recovering the Falklands. In what way do you think it would not be political suicide to put them on ebay?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    HOw about we send them Madonna and call it a day

  • Chariklo
    I find myself in agreement with Las Malvinas. Even if it was 179 years ago, that property was wrongly taken.

    From penguins?

  • cofty

    Even if it was 179 years ago, that property was wrongly taken. - Knowsnothing

    So when are you going to hand North America back to Native Americans?

    When are Australians going to give Australia back to Aborigines? When are the descendants of the Normans going to get out of England and go back to France?

    You get my point?

  • Chariklo


    Very well put, Cofty.

  • Knowsnothing

    It's an island with, gasp, ~3000 inhabitants. Either way, most self identify as British, so you're right, I don't see the point of Argentina trying to reclaim it.

    Sorry Argentina, you have to let go. You still get to keep Maradona and the status of one of the nicest cities in the Americas.

  • botchtowersociety

    Well said, Cofty.

  • Diest

    Well I am convinced by Malvinas.....we have to give colorado(my home state) back to Mexico because it was owned by them long ago.....thats how so many land deals work world wide....well wait I guess I cant think of many that ever worked out that way.

  • besty

    I often wondered WHY the Industrial Revolution started in England?

    And possibly related, why such a relatively small part of the map (the UK) came to dominate so much global real estate.

    If you take the time to read Guns Germs and Steel By Jared Diamond the reason for the UK having Las Malvinas the Falklands will be clear.

    In short, just as some people leverage a sequence of fortunate breaks which creates a Steve Jobs or a Warren Buffett and some people die on a dusty plain of starvation as infant victims, so do regions get geographical, climate and temporal breaks. Some countries leverage these circumstances to their advantage - others are 'victims' - Cofty explains the difficulty of The Falklands becoming Las Malvinas.

    One acceptable solution may be for Argentina to incentivise the people and the UK in the present for the guaranteed return of sovereignty with a long term completion date. eg here's a couple of £££Billion cash today and we get the islands back in 100 years.

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