Suicide - How many do you know within the JWs

by Lady Lee 234 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • hoser

    I know of a lot of deaths of young people in the "truth" that were highly suspicious and I think were covered over. Died of a rare flu according to the congregation but nothing said in the media about it.

    I do know of a young woman who jumped off a bridge and a young guy that shot himself shortly after. Sad.

  • Schnufti
    Last Summer during convention lunch break I saw a sister walking around and smiling. The very next day she took her life. She had been mentally ill (shizophrenia, I'm not sure) and didn't want to go back to the clinic on Monday.
  • Vidiot

    I've long suspect that - like child abuse - it happens amongst the R&F way more than most think.

  • Wakanda

    I know of five:

    1. a DF'ed teen

    2. an older brother, shot gun with a note, left a widow and children

    3. an older brother, elder or ex-elder, left a widow and grandchildren

    4. a young husband

    5. a sister that was abused by her husband and sisters felt uncomfortable around him, he was a Presiding jerk

    I'm sure there were more that I was never told about. I heard about the cause of death of number three from and indirect source, not from the person that should have told me. The elder that told me and hubby seemed to act like he thought we were "strong" enough to handle the suicide of that man.

  • Finkelstein

    Unfortunately paranoid schizophrenic people are attracted and allured to apocalyptic end of the world cults, seen that many times being a JWS.

    Since the WTS has frowned on or demeaned psychiatric practice over the years the cure to their problems was issued just keep on praying to Jehovah and their problems will cease to exist.

  • Tenacious


  • Rattigan350

    I just got a call today from an elder staying a sister in the congregation died that way. Her husband had recently been disfellowshipped and she had talked about divorcing him.

  • Finkelstein

    One of many harmful and dangerous things about the JWS cult .

    And you know what the WTS top leaders dont give a dam , they're too busy playing we are god's chosen ones head to are power, this delusion fosters apathy and a lack of human compassion.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I know of one 'brother' who tried to commit suicide at least on 3 occasions, which I know of.

  • scruffmcbuff

    I know/knew a missionary who killed himself whilst away jehovahering.

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