Brother Waldo D/O, Circuit Assembly Insights About Education ( College) For JW Boys and Girls.

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 2tone

    Again, why would anybody take anything to heart from somebody named Waldo. No offense to anyone, but Waldo was a machinist. I'm sure his days as a machinist prepared him to be a cult leader. Well, I guess he did graduate from the University of Watchtower with a BullShit degree. This guy sounds like a fuckin tard. Only a Jehovah Witness would listen to a guy named Waldo.

  • 00DAD

    Brother Waldo needs to do some FACT CHECKING before he spouts his erroneous gusher of BS.

    Check this link out:

    College graduates score higher-paying jobs

    So why exactly do the 7 Guys in Brooklyn have such an issue with their followers pursuing Higher Education?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The idea of college as a place between high school and adult consequences is a good point that is seldom raised here. During my freshman year, a student at the women's college was determined to be cohabiting with a male student. We were ordered to shun her. After much reluctance and a legal battle, she was permitted to graduate. One year later, they broke all the parental type rules. Our parents would no longer see our grades. I moved from a female dorm to a co-ed formerly male dorm. The transition was so abrupt.

    I was very involved in radical politics. There was great Ivy League competition to hold the biggest, most disruptive war protests. Impulsively, I helped seize some bldgs. It was heady for fifteen minutes. We had no reading material or board games. The profs. were not allowed to visit their offices. Wd carried dcouments out to them, watered their plants. After sleeping on a library table, I wanted out. Outsiders came in. There were amazing stained glass windows in the library. The students did not dare leave and let the outsiders destroy the building. The profs. were so bemused. They indulged us. If we faced serious consequences, such as withdrawing a law or medical school reference, no one would have seized the buildings.

    Perhaps it was a reaction to the strict monitroing. Pregnancy had such stigma the first year. Afterwards, we have mandatory abortion coverage. I believe the pendulum swung too far in the other direction. Some traditions have been restored. Law school was very different. Mess with property rights and you were expelled.

  • VM44

    Education is worthless?

    More like Waldo is worthless!

  • minimus

    Brother Waldo's a dickhead.

  • james_woods
    Brother Waldo's a dickhead.

    Brother Waldo is also a loose cannon. What do you bet he is headed for a little Brooklyn tune-up whenever somebody up there hears some of this stuff? (I mean the Jehovah = falsely accused child molester theory more than the higher education stuff)

  • 2tone

    James Woods - Your probably right that he's going to get counseled on his theories. It takes a really warped mind to come up with that stuff such as making an apostate out to be worse than a child molester. How in the world does one come up with stuff like that? Hopefully they will force Brother Waldo to take a college course on ethics. That would be a perfect punishment for him. As that would kill two birds with one stone.

  • ziddina

    About the "PM's", Bubble.... {shortening things here; is it OK if I call you 'Bubble'???}

    Click on your pms -

    (and to save time, click on each one, use the "back" button, then click on the next one - you will get the "error" message every time, just go "back" until you've clicked on all "new" or "unopened" PM's...)

    Then hit the "refresh" button at the top of your toolbar [or bottom, depending on where your 'refresh' button is...]

    After the page "refreshes", you will be able to open all of your PMs...

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    The point is...the WT needs to stop sticking their nose into other people's business. Whether it is beneficial or not to attend college is up to the family--not a bunch of ****** in Brooklyn.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Gotta understand where Brother Waldo is coming from. His way of life is tied up within the religion, and the last thing he and other long term Circuit Stars need is their upcoming generation of benefactors doing things like getting educations, making a living that won't include tithing some of their hard earned paycheck to people like Brother Waldo. Brother Waldo's car, it's insurance, his home, his health insurance, his finances, are ALL tied up within the religion, and the generation that saw the events of 1975 aren't exactly keen on letting their kids fall for the same bull shit that they themselves fell for over 30 years ago when they were their kids ages. I'm sure the thought of that scares the bejeebers out of people like Bro.Waldo.

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