has anyone seen the Video?.. JW's the orginazation behind the name..

by Tater-T 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Tater-T

    Omg!!! left in 87 never saw it till now! my mom gave it to me when she got rid of her videos.. made in 1990!

    It's like "how it's made"... a few notes;

    They said liturature was life saving.... ink! everything life or death! alot!

    Then the said org..directed by "Anointed" Governing Body... just like Isreal aways was!!

    End of Gilead scene... you must give up Your life for Jehovah... to make it,, for reals... it's there

    other than that it was how aweome they are... I went to Bethel twice on two week work deals, construction.. I met the Bro in video.. anyone on here thats in it.. is it common?

    I noticed there wasn't the whole thing on You Tube..

    So been meaning to ask why the BORG... been out to long .. like it but what is the origin of it .. the borg ... lol

    later tater

  • BluesBrother

    I vaguely recall it, back in the day..The Borg are fond of making these kind of self promotions..Mind you, according to their own lit. somebody liked it :

    Wt 92 10/1 p30

    “Words cannot express the joy I felt when a woman with whom I study the Bible burst into tears of joy and appreciation after seeing this video. She said tearfully: ‘How can anyone not see that this is the organization of the true God, Jehovah? I never knew that such people existed.’ And then she said: ‘I want to get baptized.’”—C. D.

  • diamondiiz

    I think it was their first video. It's typical recruitment video, how wonderful they are and all those happy hard working Bethelites. I think it came up when I began to study with them.

  • discreetslave

    The film from 1954 about the borg is 10 times more painful than this video to watch.

  • ldrnomo

    ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE The bORG and it's bullshit.

    That video was no different then any other self promotion video being shown about any number of organizations through out the world.

    We were supposed to show this video to our bible students in hopes that it would fire them up to become a part of the giant promotional organization that the bORG is. Was it effective? I doubt it.

  • Tater-T


    don't know how to paste link in here.. so.. I got it down to 4 minutes.. it's still a little long... LOL

    So glad I got out.. great comments!!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I seem to recall someone on here was in the video.

  • TimothyT

    My brother and I used to rave about that film as kids. Im gonna watch it again now on youtube. I bet my perspective will have changed slightly!

    Hehe :)

    Will post again in an hour! :D

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    The "sister" on the machine that irons shirts real quick studied with me. Sadly she died a few years ago. I know a few others that got on the film

    Is that the same one that had the "brother" that folded the boxes real quick?

  • TimothyT

    Well.... credit where it is due...

    The Watchtower has developed an EXTREMELY impressive and efficient publishing company. Not only that but the community which is upheld at bethel is extremely well cared for.

    Watching this video saddens me. I remember the good old days when i watched this as a child and all i saw was goodness. Now when I watch it, all I can see are men and women wholeheartedly doing their very best for an organisation which has departed from the truth of the bible. Its very impressive what they do and the way they are organised, but I just cant help but see how they have fallen away from true Christianity and have adopted so many unchristian and unloving teachings. Very sad. I would hate to be in it!!! I cant believe I wanted to be a bethelite at one point.

    I loved you once the Watchtower!

    Timmy x

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