Does Jehovah Still Call Black People the "No-No" Word?

by arko_n9ne 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Racism is wrong. If the Holy Spirit led them, they would have integrated de facto the Southern KHs. It should not matter whether the law ordered segregation. They opposed the draft law.

    If truth be known, I heard very racist things from extended family. It was not malice. When ethnic whites lives around the poverty zone, they are obsessed with sinking deeper. Both my sister and I call the JWs the poor religion. It was a vacation when we attended suburban KHs. I am certain, though, that the white trash caused just as many social problems. When I say hardly anyone could read, I mean it.

    You don't give in to prejudice. Jesus said to love one another. Of course, Jesus condoned slavery. As I've mentioned before, I read a lot of civil rights related history. The letters from slave owners such as Washington and Jefferson show clearly that they knew slavery was wrong. Their consciences were troubled. It wasn't oh I didn't know any better. The Ham business in the OT appeared out of no place to justify the Atlantic Slave Trade. But that was Christendom, the Witnesses are so much better. Ha!

  • arko_n9ne

    @Band on the Run
    This is actually one of the driving points of my concern. See, when the WTS makes a claim, it's not "food in due time," it tends to be "other people figured it out for us."

    How long did it take for the Society to somewhat allow "blood fractions?" If it's acceptable now, why didn't Jehovah use the Holy Spirit to guide the "spirit-driven" Organization to the forefront of the topic? Why did it take all those years of non-Society doctors and scientists testing and treating before they took a stance?

    With their insensitive comments on black people and other "majority/minorities" in the past, if they don't believe it now, then why? Why would Jehovah allow them to make racially negative comments, nay "encourage them" to make racially biggoted comments, only to deliver "meat in season" when the civil rights movement became HUGE?

    Why did it take integration nationwide in the United States before they would put a black man in the Governing Body? There is no anticipation. No sense of knowing what's right until the secular world has already proved it. Then they pass it along with that dirty napkin reading "light gets brighter," and hope everyone sees them as a pillar of Godly love and knowledge.

    It's unfair to say white people are better, or brown people are better. I dated a girl who told me she thought black people evolved from some other animal and that they had an extra bone in their leg. I dropped her by the end of that sentence. It's stupidity and ignorance like that in people that empowers these high-control group. These people will believe any propaganda fed to them because it's easier than learning the right answer. It's easy to hate. To loathe. To discriminate. To segregate. To shun.

    I enjoy doing the right thing because it's hard. At the end, I'll know I earned it and that no man would have a claim of me.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    All churches who provide services in non native languages must have a evil agenda, and by posting signs like " Arabic Speaking Group Avaible." or "Hindi Speaking Fellowship" are guilty of segregation! It never crossed my mind, that these evil churches who preach in foreign tongues, are a form of apartheid. James you opened my eyes up wide, now I can see the light!

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    doubled posted

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I've attended English-language congregations in European countries and they had a great mix of nationalities. The one thing they had in common was that they all could speak English (the most widely-spoken language of the world) so you had Africans, Asians, Europeans and some locals all in one congregation.

    Attending such congregations did help cement the idea of an "international brotherhood".

  • rebel8

    it was out of respect to Southern whites. Perhaps de jure (legally required) segregation existed.

    What is the wts' excuse for not resisting segregation?

    They love to tout the German rank and file's refusal to comply w/Nazi dictates, at the pain of imprisonment, torture and death (despite the Society's letter to Hitler stating they supported him--Declaration of Facts). Refusal to comply with US segregation would have had less penalties and yet they complied.

    Rhetorical question.

    I had a black sister tear into me for admitting that I didn't have any "sexual" urges to be with a black sister-

    That has to be one of the most redonkulous stories I've heard about dubs.

    1. Why was she discussing such an unapproved topic with a brother?
    2. Why was she giving scriptural counsel to a brother?
    3. What business is this of hers? lol
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    i have no idea when they integrated. The Civil Rights Movement attacked legal segregation in the beginning, then de facto, and then economic issues. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Martin Luther King was assasinated at the moment he was merging the movement with white labor unions. Such a movement would be too powerful.

    I assume that if racism is part of their theology, anti discrimination laws would not apply. Not certain. Religions are private associations and private associations can be racist. My assumption is that society in the South changed so much over decades that finally they had to integrate. The WT at its finest.

    Mormons were very racist. They succumbed to political pressure after a very long time and much bad publicity.

    Does anyone know if the Witnesses taught the Ham theology line?

  • rebel8

    Yes the Ham thing was taught here in JW Fundieland.

    They had New Light TM some time in the late 70s and then incessantly bragged about how much better they were than Baptists who still believed it.

    IIRC their excuse for it being New Light vs. Old Light was jehoopla didn't impose upon us the more perfect way because we were too spiritually immature to accept it.

    Again I go back to the Nazi era--the dubs then were not too spiritually immature to resist the Nazis at the pain of death, but 30 yrs later Jehoopla's Special People were too spiritually immature to sit next to a black person in the kh. ooookkkaaaaayyyy

  • exjehovah

    They are some of the most covertly racist religious groups around, but try to pretend they are not. I still remember being taught that black people descended from Noah's son who tried to have sex with him; thereby they are from cursed people. You would be surprised how many people in that religion believe that nonsense.

  • rebel8

    Essentially here in my observation they remain in an immature post-segregation phase of social development.

    They scorn segregation and glorify racial superiority at the same time. They make symbolic gestures so they can reassure themselves they are not racist, such as white BOE appointing black bros or witlesses having friends of other races.

    They still believe this here, I kid you not:

    Watchtower of 15/2/1904:

    Can The Ethiopian Change His skin color? No. But what the Ethiopian cannot do for himself God could readily do for him....How could all men be brought to perfection and which color of skin was the original? The answer is now provided. God can change the Ethiopian’s skin in his own due time … Julius Jackson, of New Frankfort, Montana, a negro boy of nine years, began to grow white in September, 1901, and is now fully nine-tenths white.

    Interracial marriage is considered common in dubbery, though in my observation it is not. When you go to a convention and see 3k people, 10 interracial couples, does that make it common? I see more interracial relationships in "the world".

    In my family we had an interracial marriage in the 90s and were treated with hostility by the dubs. They said it would stumble interested persons and humans were too imperfect to have interracial breeding not result in medical problems. Some wouldn't attend the shower/wedding or did so and made inappropriate remarks; I asked them to leave. LOL One person gave racially offensive items as gifts--she was told not to ahead of time.

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