Poor Grandma

by Dutchy 19 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey Ashi,naeb,this smells like the one man troll gang.Old trolls die,new trolls pop up,same dam troll...OUTLAW

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey Dutch-head...just another question u will no doubt choose to ignore. How come u answered Ashi's question which had nothing to do the theme of your post....yet you overlook and ignore my question? Was I rude...intrusive...intimidating? At least I wasn't 'ignorant'!

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    outlaw, you are absolutly INSANE and a wee paranoid! may i be your bride?!

    you're happy cause you smile but how much can you fake...

  • Kep

    Did you see that Beck, quite a few see this critter as a troll.
    I guess that will be why he didn't answer your questions.


    Hey Bea,just because I`m paranoid,dosent mean someone isn`t watching me..LOL.....OUTLAW

  • Prisca

    How come in this thread everyone is calling Dutchy a troll, yet you haven't said anything in the other thread?

    I don't think it's fair to throw around labels based on 3 posts.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I guess there are patterns...coincidences....maybe even assumptions...but usually a newbie will respond with gusto if they are sincere...unless they have an alteria motive.

  • Dutchy

    Sorry Beck-Melbourne: I didn't really read your entire post until just now and I apologize. I didn't mean to ignore your question. Well, what happened to my Grandma and my daughter has just reinforced the doubts that I have been harboring about this organization. I am a baptized member of the organization if that is what you are referring to, but I really don't consider myself a witness anymore. After all, I had been inactive for over 13 years and when I started going back to the meeting, the UN scandal happened and this seems to be the last straw. I don't know if I want to disassociate myself but I am thinking about it. You see my whole family and my extended family are all witnesses and I don't know if I want to lose all of that yet. But I know that I am definitely not going to the Hall again. Anyway, again I apologize for not responding sooner. and..... I AM NOT A TROLL.

  • Dutchy

    Prisca: Thanks for your support. The reason I did not respond right away was because I was busy with dinner, the dishes and the kids. Its entirely possible that when people don't respond right away that they may be with other things and we should not make assumptions about them and call them name. Also, I have to share my computer with my kids and cannot monopolize it all the time. I want to assure you that I am not a troll and am very glad that this site gives me a chance to vent some of my feelings. Again, thank you.
    Lastly, I am not a Troll!!!

  • butalbee

    I feel sorry for your grandmother, it's sad that she wasted her entire life in this religion, blindfolded and brainwashed and now humilated because she was gossiping about a sister and an elder getting it on....Very sad,and very ignorant...typical watchtower jargon.

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