Letter to FB JWs after I found out I was DF'd

by Momma-Tossed-Me 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    So I said that I would post this letter that I sent out to FB JWs who were still my friends on FB at the time.

    A little background might be in order here. I was called to meet with two elders in the hall because I had filed to run for political office. I knew that sooner or later I would have to agree to do so. When we met I could tell that it was a fact finding mission.

    About two weeks later I found out that an annoucement has been made and I was not notified of it or given the option of coming to the kangaroo court.

    When I observed on FB that I was loosing JW friends. So I made a call to my father (CoBE) and my wife to confirm my suspicions. On the 27th of Dec it was announced that I was no longer one of JW's. The mass exodus to unfriend must have begun the instant it was made, probably because it gave the audience an excuse to check their FB via phone instead of listening to the meeting.

    So about a week later I realized all of this and so most JWs were gone but a few remained so I sent out this letter to them.....

    We all love God. I love all of you and I believe you love me. Discipline is only effective if the one receiving it looks at it as discipline. My conscience is clear as you are all welcome to visit, converse, eat with me and discuss whatever subject is on your mind.

    I know the pressure you feel to un-friend me, shun, and think of me as dead. I completely understand the unwanted attention if you don't. It is just sad that an organization controls people this way calling it unity when it is really just uniformity.

    For some time now my spiritual life has been comprised of God, Jesus, The Bible, & The Holy Spirit not a religion who has self proclaimed itself to be God's sole mouth piece on earth.

    Your hope is as follows: March 15, 2012 Watchtower Study Edition "Rejoicing in Our Hope" Paragraph 2 - The other sheep should never forget that THEIR SALVATION DEPENDS on their active support of Christ's anointed "brothers" still on earth." But clearly, the Bible DOES NOT SAY this anywhere in its pages. Jesus is the Judge who will determine who lives forever and dies an eternal death, but the above statement judges all mankind. Eternal death for all 7 Billion people on earth, save 7 million, 2.2 Billion of which are children according to UNICEF.

    It is my understanding that an announcement on the Tuesday the 27th of Dec. was made to mark me as unfit for association. No one has contacted me regarding a judicial committee hearing being held or had the intestinal fortitude to let me know that I have been labeled.

    I have done nothing immoral, unethical, or illegal. I have only volunteered to help my community progress forward with economic growth. I am applying for a governmental job essentially with the consent of the people.

    In Jesus time Nicodemis was a follower and held political office. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that he was instructed to quit by Jesus. If being "no part of the world" is the scripture that comes to mind please define for me using the Bible "no part of the world."

    The Bible is very specific when comes to matters about banishment from God and his grace, in this instance no case can be made for the action that was taken against me.

    I love you all, I will never return to an organization that would condone such an act of bullying as disfellowshipping is.

    July 2009 Awake p29: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”

  • 00DAD

    Daniel was a member of the Babylonian royal court. It seemed that God didn't object to that.

  • scary21

    Wow that was great....thanks for posting.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Joseph in Egypt. Jews seem to be administrative talent for foreign nations. The centurion in the NT. Matthew, a tax collector.

  • thetrueone

    Another instance of the WTS. welding its Judaical power on matters where there is no bible basis.

    Does the bible say anything about staying out of politics ?

  • PaintedToeNail

    Has anyone on FB responded to your letters, JW's, I mean?

  • truth_b_known

    The last congregation I was in, I was one of 7 brothers employed by either the city, county, or state. We were all either ministerial servants or elders. How hypocritical to say it is ok to be the second in command of a government office which employees hundreds or thousands of people, but it is wrong to be elected to the office of local dog catcher.

    I applaud you for you efforts in seeking public office. I am currently help 3 candidates with their campaigns. I have enjoyed working with my local elected officials to make my community a better place to live.

  • mamalove

    Interesting. So your wife knew about this and only told you once you asked? Maybe I read your post wrong. Did anyone respond?

    Most importantly, did you win the election?

  • red21

    I like the WT article that said it was ok to vote or vote your conscience in lands where it was required. So, for some it is "ok" but not for others? I found that hypocritcal myself. I voted today in the primary...sure hope Mr. Paul wins!!!!

  • NewChapter

    Great letter.

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