not sure if this thought has been dealt with from the april wt

by therevealer 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    flipper, I think you go back as far as I in our Witness days, the 60s were the last period when questions were actually entertained from the audience, at least in the KH I was in. From the 70s on the screws turned tighter. The only solution in the other Christian churches is for them to have a slit into liberal and conservative groups. I saw that by attending Presbyterian and Calvary chapel after I left. If you stick with the conservative group you have to tow the line or not be allowed to join.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    You could condense these two paragraphs into one sentence : "We know there are a bunch of you out there who think the new generation doctrine is complete bullshit-NOW SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! WE AINT GONNA CHANGE IT!"

    FLIPPER - like the Bruce Cockburn reference

  • cantleave

    The Koolaid is coming!!!!!!!!

  • steve2

    Even Jesus had the audacity to claim to be, well, er, Jesus. That the GB puts themselves in the same category is even more audacious. As others have said, Jesus did not shun his own followers, although he did prove himself a ruthless exposer of his previous leaders.

  • truthseeker1969

    In short, they are seeing for themselves that they are "knockers" that built themselves up and are slowly crumbling

    Do not think, do not question and do not look at us but do as you are told as we are trying to figure out what we are supposed to be doing

    It's becoming apparent they are in panic mode!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Par 10 says in part: "Likewise today, how do we react if we encounter a point in our Christian publications from "the faithful steward" that is hard to understand or that does not match with our thinking? We should try hard to get the sense of it rather than merely expecting that there will be a change to conform to our viewpoint."

    Bethel must be getting bombarded with emails, letters, phone calls, lawsuits, text messages, flack from congregation Elders, feed back from COs and DOs and what have you over all the recent and unexplainable changes, adjustments and 'new light'. Yeah!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    you know I was thinking the same thing. The must have an avalanche of requests for anything from defining deviant sexual behavior to the benifits of eating peanut butter. And lets not get started on serious issues like pedophiles in the congregation. It's probably a call to stop inquiring

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