More of my story, and need advice

by marriedtoajw 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • marriedtoajw

    garyneal - Cut them loose and live your live, she has her own cross to bear, let her bear it.

    Yes garyneal, you're right and I have. It feels as if my wife and I have already gone through a spiritual divorce. We are civil but things have changed in a big way. I lost my best friend and I feel lonlier. Turns out, that person may never have really existed and what she is now, she's always really been. And I think you're right about wasting my time. To tell you the truth, I just don't have the energy. Just a little desperate in trying to get back what I throught we had... but maybe never really did have.

  • Retrovirus

    Hello and welcome, marriedtoajw!

    you said

    I lost my best friend and I feel lonlier. Turns out, that person may never have really existed and what she is now, she's always really been

    I'm a non-jw who watched my brother's marriage deteriorate as his wife got deeper into the cult. (before this, I'd seen jws as a bit odd but harmless). Their children suffered, although both parents did their best in their own ways. The real culprit is the cult; it forbids any compromise with "worldlies" and so constantly challenges and stresses the mixed marriage.

    I'm very sorry for what you're going through. But at least you can give your children a different perspective, a proper education and some critical thinking skills. Through you they may escape the jw future of limited education, pioneering , ead-end jobs and fear of anyone outside the jws.

    Best wishes for your future!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yikes! Sounds like you already have a very long list of reasons NOT to study with JWs. If the in-laws are having financial problems, they "need to rely on Jehovah. He will provide."

  • EntirelyPossible

    yeah, you are fucked, dude. Start taking steps to protect yourself should things go south.

  • marriedtoajw

    Yeah Billy, see that's the thing, since I didn't do what they expected, I am from Satan which means I'm f%$#ed. Yet she'll still go with me to celebrate the holidays with my family as she has for the last 20 years. She doesn't do much to participate or anything but she is there and kind of goes along with things which makes it all the more confusing... I think it's all an act to pacify me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Garyneal calls it right. Be responsible for yourself and your family and be "the head" if your spouse pushes JW stuff on you. I would say NO WAY to studying to get through to her. Read both of Steve Hassan's books, particularly the second one: RELEASING THE BONDS; EMPOWERING PEOPLE TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

    Saying that all these things "stumbled" you from looking into JW's is a pretty good idea. You could mention how they didn't follow the scripture to calculate the costs before getting into debt and they didn't keep their eyes simple.

    If things go bad in the marriage, consider marriage counseling from a professional non-JW.

  • garyneal
    She doesn't do much to participate or anything but she is there and kind of goes along with things which makes it all the more confusing... I think it's all an act to pacify me.

    Perhaps. Of course, I do not fully know your wife and how she feels about these things. My wife loves the holidays deep down and would celebrate them were it not for these pesky Watchtower rules that she confuses with God's rules. She compensates by getting into the winter aspect of it, loves snowmen, decorated the house with snowmen and snowflakes this year (in which I left up for her after taking down the Christmas decorations), etc.. I just let her be her.

    I do not care for the assemblies, boring as crap, but I will probably go to this next one since there is a hotel and a pool in it for me. I do not bother with the one day assemblies and when the district convention is in town, I do not go all three days.

    Funny thing is, neither does her father and he's suppose to be a MS. People just ultimately do what they want to do and justify it to themselves in their own minds somehow.

    You may not have lost your wife the way you say, but I would definitely put my foot down on some things. Our therapist calls it being assertive. Assertive anger is healthy.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Get your butt down to the library and get a book along the lines of this one

    You need to teach your children how to recognise crapola when it is fed to them as 'Truth', and you need to do it BEFORE they sucked in to a high control cult.

    If you think Dubs are crazy now, you are in for a big shock when you find out your children are frightened of you because you are one of Satan's minions. Fix it.

  • garyneal
    If you think Dubs are crazy now, you are in for a big shock when you find out your children are frightened of you because you are one of Satan's minions. Fix it.

    He has a point. My daughters haven't began viewing me as one of Satan's minions yet but a JW babysitter did manage to scare my daughter to death over watching Super Why. Everytime it comes on, she gets hysterical and says, 'No, no, magic, magic, turn it off.' Even my wife is a bit perplexed about her behavior and we tell her, 'You like princess movies and they have magic. You like tinkerbell and it also has magic.'

  • marriedtoajw

    I have been very patient and tolerant in allowing my wife the freedom to worship, I have to do that... But I have questioned my kids from time to time and so far there hasn't been this problem of them thinking I'm a tool of Satan, but the wife has been getting a little more brazen and so that may change and it it does, that is the line in the sand where there will be no coming back from.

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