Should we attend our first Birthday Party?

by Flicka 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flicka


    Thank you for your opinion, it is much appreciated


  • cantleave

    Go for it. Enjoy yourself and start integrating into your local community. If you then get DF'd later on, you will have new, unconditional friends in your neighbourhood.

  • inbetween

    to my knowledge, participating in birthday parties, even though strongly discouraged, is not a df offense, unlike Christmas.

    It does not in itself constitute partaking in practices of other religions.

    Of course, if it becomes known, elders will inquire, and always can pull the "loose conduct" or similar card.

  • wasblind

    Hello there Flicka,

    It is truly a great thing that you and Twisty are exiting this religion together

    I wish more couples could do that :(

    I say start this year off with a bang, find a reason to celebrate everythingl

    you can, have fun at the party

  • nugget

    If you are early in your fade and still on the radar I would be careful. Fading successfully can mean you are still living under the same restrictions even though you are not attending the meetings.

    If you want to put the religion behind you then go to the party since the sooner you start building new friendships and new life the easier it will be to walk away for good. Good luck with your future plans.

  • leavingwt

    Some have mentioned that celebrating a birthday may not result in disfellowshipping.

    Let's get a little more specific. Shunning is what most people would like to avoid. Many times, people are shunned, if they are not considered 'exemplary' publishers. Publicly celebrating a birthday, unapologetically, will result in a loss of the exemplary status. Please recall how many, many JWs will shun those considered spiritually 'weak' and will shun those who play fast and loose with both written and unwritten rules of conduct.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    It's a risk but do you really want to live by JW rules for the rest of your lives???

  • Diest

    Worldly people are usually fairly sympathetic to this...most hate the idea of kids without christmas and birthdays.....just let people know not to post your pics on facebook, and not to tell others. Your first birthday might be hard, but as time goes on it gets easier and more enjoyable.

  • InterestedOne


  • Flicka

    Well to give a bit more info on our status in the cong:

    We've only been attending this specific congregation for just over a year. Our meeting attendace has been very irregular since the beginning and non-existant for the past few months.

    I'm not even sure if the elders know where we live.

    I think this year should be a fresh start for us, seeing that we don't have any friends worldy (except for the neighbours) or JW where we currently live.

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