I Received the "Call" - Praise JAH!

by AGuest 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    and so it's back to work... on Monday, Jan. 9th! WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    For those of you who rejoice with me (the greatest of love and peace to you!)... I am just a tad saddened. As you may know/guess, I asked about this matter all through the process (it is a huge step up from where I was a year ago)... and learned that I would be given another "assignment," one which will allow me to help those in my own backyard in a more tangible way (some of you also know how much I love doing that!). Because the position is one of great responsibility, however, it will require my full attention during the week (as well as some nights and weekends - LOLOL! The job description "suggests" 50+ hours/week... which usually means closer to 60... or more, at times!). And so once I start my ability to "visit" with you here will be greatly reduced. Of course, I will try to check in regularly (say, Sundays - I will consider that my "church" day, if you don't mind - LOLOL! Saturdays belong to my husband...), but there may be times when days or even weeks go by before I can respond. If you have my info you are always welcome to email me (if you don't, PM me and I will give it to you)... but same thing - I may take a bit to get back to you. I beg your patience... and have no doubt I will get it. Thank you, though, in advance!

    For those of you who rejoice that I won't be here as much... peace to you, as well! I am truly sorry if my presence and participation causes you ... ummmmm... undue (IMHO) concern or consternation. That was not what I came here FOR and really wish it hadn't turned out that way, but I truly don't think I contribute[d] as much to your... ummmmm... angsts about me... as you do. Personally, I simply cannot imagine ANYONE on the entire planet "getting" to me as much as I [get to] some of you. As much as some of you LET me... and/or what I post... get to you. I truly don't understand it, actually. Especially from someone who absolutely has NO bearing on you... or your household... who is in an entirely different hemisphere, let alone country, let alone time zone. Makes absolutely NO sense to me. BUT... you're about to have some relief. Some, but perhaps not completely. Certainly a heck of a lot less than what's occurred up to now. At least I hope. Not as to the frequency of my participation, but as to the frequency with which you allow yourself to be "provoked", particularly when no one is intentionally being provocative. Again, that depends on you.

    Anyway, dear, dear chikkins... I didn't want to wait until the last moment (although I thought I'd being going back this Monday, the 2nd) because I know how some get concerned when they don't hear from me or see me on the board. It is not because I think I am "something" that I post this, then... but because I think YOU are something... ALL of you... and so out of courtesy, good manners, and love... I feel prompted to let you know what's going to be up with me. Before you "worry" or concern yourselves. I do not want that for you... ANY of you... truly.

    For those of you who can accept this bit of information, then, thank you! For those who can't... thank you, as well, and please... consider keeping your comments to yourself this time? I mean, there really is NO good reason... point... or benefit... in your commenting if you must do so negatively. Your silence will be comment enough, for ME. Please, let it be enough for YOU.

    Again, peace to you all!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel (whether they know they are or not)... and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • 144001

    You mean you've got to get off your lazy ass and work? [just kidding, keep your shirt on!]

    Congratulations and best of luck at your new job, Shelby!

  • AGuest

    Hmmmmmm... okay, now I'm thinking maybe you really DO want me to rip my shirt off, dear One (peace to you!). NO CHANCE, BUDDY! LOLOLOLOL!

    Thank you, truly, dear one. I am looking forward to getting off my butt, lemme TELL you! It was starting to become "one" with my ottoma/sofa/chair (wherever I happen to sit while posting - LOLOL!).

    Thank you... and peace to you!

    SA, on her own...


    (((Shelby )))


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • cantleave

    Best of luck with the Job.

  • InterestedOne

    Congratulations AGuest! BTW I haven't forgotten our language discussion. I'm just in the middle of working on something at the moment. I will respond when I have a chance to process your last response - which I appreciate.

  • AGuest

    Thank you, all (and peace to you!)... and no worries, dear IO: as I stated, there might be some time between responses, so I get you. Take your time...

    Peace... and WHOOO-HOOOO, again!

    SA, jumping in her seat, bobbing her head, grinning HUGELY... while humming "Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to work I go! La la la la la la la la... hi-ho, hi-ho, ho, ho, ho, HO!"... on her own...

  • tec

    I am e x cited for you, Shelby! You will do great.

    Peace and love to you,


  • Qcmbr

    Bl**dy h*ll what a song and dance. Well done on finally getting to do something productive. Very glad the AG show will now only be gracing us with its preaching during your church day.

  • ShirleyW

    Congrats to you girl, You need to send some of that "employment mojo" my way !!

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