This would come in VERY handy for some of us with JC's on the horizon...

by Morbidzbaby 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Better yet... bring a lawyer. When the elders say that he's not allowed, just sit back and let your lawyer take over. You won't need a recording device because they'll refuse him entry and he'll refuse to allow you to be interrogated without him present. An impasse...A Mexican standoff. "means, me no guns, you no guns"

  • ziddina

    Good idea, Undercover - I've wondered about that sort of move, myself...

    If not a lawyer, then a paralegal at the very least....

    But I always thought that a "Mexican Standoff" meant, "my gun pointed at your head; your gun pointed at mine"...


  • undercover

    Mexican standoff is actually three people in a face-off. Like the end of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly... but most people think of it as similar to an impasse. Neither side compromising, both equal in argument/power/weapons

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I dunno, UC. This screams "Brazen Conduct" and they don't even need you to be present at the next JC when they (the 3 elder witnesses) DF you for the Brazen Conduct...

    The system is rigged

  • NewChapter
  • undercover

    Yep, it's rigged. Play by their rules or face the consequences.

    Personally, I wouldn't even bother showing up. That's playing by my rules.

    But - if I felt the need to show up and make a defense for whatever reason, I'd still play by my rules by bringing an attorney. If they refuse me legal council, they can shove their JC mtg up their ass and go ahead and DF me in absentia...if they don't mind further legal action. Even if you can't win any kind of lawsuit, you can make their life a living hell for awhile, enough for them to see that Mother WT doesn't always have their back. Can you imagine the bullets they'd be sweating realizing that they're swinging on the rope all on their own... But it takes money on my end as well. That's why I prefer the not showing up in the first place scenerio.

  • TD
    My problem is I have a really touchy "blush" trigger and have a hard time lying. I'm afraid if they ask me directly if I have a recorder, I may be able to lie, but then I'd blush and give it away. Maybe I should show up drunk.

    Don't feel bad. Blushing easily is supposed to be indicative of a very developed social consciousness (Seriously)

  • sd-7

    Bah. Nothin' beats pen and paper. "The pen is truly mightier than the sword."

    joker pen


  • Joey Jo-Jo
  • NewChapter

    Don't feel bad. Blushing easily is supposed to be indicative of a very developed social consciousness (Seriously)

    Thanks TD. Imagine if you will, a teenage girl who blushes so horribly that blushing itself embarrases her and makes her blush harder. Yikes. One time in highschool, this boy turned to me out of the blue and said, "You've got the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen," I was horrified. He and his friend announced the colors I turned as they changed. LOL They weren't being mean, apparently they thought it was cute. It made dating a hellfest.

    It's gotten a bit better now that I'm older, but it's still unpredictable. But lying? Long before I was a JW or had any religious inclination that was a problem for me. My brother has been an atheist since he was 8, and he can't lie either. Not that you have to be religious not to lie, I only point it out to show it's not some weird leftover from the JW years. Lying is a tough one.

    My best friend used to crack up at me because if my mother asked me a direct question, I always told her the truth. The part that made her laugh was that the truth was usually so outrageous that my mother simply didn't believe me and figured I was playing. I never felt the need to correct her.

    Yet I want to record a JC SOOOO bad, that I think I'm going to take Zid's advice and practice. However that may backfire and build up a great deal of anticipation and anxiety. I might do better if I just put it out of my mind so I can be more nonchanlant.


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