Richard Dawkins gets interview with Revelation TV, a religious network!

by dark angle 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Is William Lane Craig really considered the best theists can do? Interesting. I was not impressed at all by his quasi-logical arguments and his quivering oh-so-authoritative voice. I suppose it's good some people are impressed, because he clearly considers himself very impressive.

  • NewChapter

    LOL LOL LOL I just had to share this RIDICULOUS video and thought this thread would be an okay thread to put it.

  • Knowsnothing

    Wow....... hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time.

    Richard Dawkins is advertising the Reformation Study Bible, from hell.

    Thanks, NC.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    It seems like Craig does not know what hypnosis is, he was touched hey? Even so a weird experience would not be proof of god of the bible.

    Dawkins is so polite, at times I think he's too polite


    Slimboyfat, no Craig is not the "best" Christians" have to offer. I have serious issues with much of Craig's theology, but he is one of the leading Christian apologists now. The question still remains, despite your lame attempt at dismissing Craig, why won't Dawkins "man up" and debate him?

    Craig debated Hitchens and Harris and done a very good job.

    Stephen Law, Peter Milikan, and others during his recent tour of Britain. He did a fairly good job. The videos are on You Tube should you care to look them up.

    Dawkins has claimed to want open discussion, yet when someone accepts his challenge, he runs like a girl. One can certainly come to the opinion that Dawkins cannot defend his atheism against a Christian that is educated and willing to take up the new atheists' challenge.

    So I say to Dickie Dawkins, "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Or better yet, as Premier Christian Radio placed on busses, "There's no Dawkins, so stop worrying."

  • slimboyfat

    I don't know why Dawkins hasn't debated William Lane Craig yet, but I would suggest a rather unlikely explanation is that Dawkins is afraid William Lane Craig will make the better arguments. But I consider both a bit boring to be honest so don't know if I would be that interested anyway.

    Now Dawkins debating Terry Eagleton, that I would pay to see, with Zizek thrown in just for a laugh.

  • bohm

    BTS, XJW4EVER: To be fair, William Lane Craig wont debate John W Loftus. Why are you not calling WLC out on that as well?

  • NewChapter

    Well just ask Dawkins why he won't accept the debate. He simply doesn't find Craig important enough (oooo slap) and disaproves of his morality as Craig defends the slaughter of children in Canaan and goes on to say that the children were all too happy to die because they get to go to heaven. Craig seeks to increase his own self-importance by carrying on that the Great Richard Dawkins is "afraid" to debate him. LOL It's kind of like a cartoon. A little ant approaches an elephant and challenges him to a fist fight. The elephant barely notices and keeps walking. The ant is convinced he has scared the elephant off. Comical. And seriously pathetic.

  • NewChapter

    OMG!! From the above link, here is a Craig quote:

    "So whom does God wrong in commanding the destruction of the Canaanites? Not the Canaanite adults, for they were corrupt and deserving of judgment. Not the children, for they inherit eternal life. So who is wronged? Ironically, I think the most difficult part of this whole debate is the apparent wrong done to the Israeli [sic] soldiers themselves. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to break into some house and kill a terrified woman and her children? The brutalising effect on these Israeli [sic] soldiers is disturbing."

    So he has no compassion whatsover for the slaughtered children, but worries about the soldiers that did the slaughtering. Who in the world can take this loon seriously? Dawkins should in no way elevate or validate this moron by agreeing to any debate.


  • xchange

    XJW4EVR - " he runs like a girl."

    How does one actually run like a girl away from a discussion. Do you mean like Florence Griffith-Joyner in the 100m dash or like Julie Andrews in the "Sound of Music"? Or is this rejoinder a reflection of a particular belief/view of the female gender?

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