Dear WTS, if higher education is a waste of time, don't eat the fruit it bares

by arko_n9ne 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • arko_n9ne

    It's 9pm over here, so good evening to those without the sun, and good morning to those who just got it from us.

    I've been pretty aggitated with the needless demonizing of higher education from the WTS. They make subtle gestures but their lawyers are too clever to let them say it directly these days.

    But I was rereading the February 2011 Awake Magazine. I use my Watchtowers and Awakes for giggles on the can these days. But having read articles online, and numerous posts on here, one article jumped out to me. On page 21, as a subarticle of "In Search of Gold, They Found a Home," there is a story about a couple from China named Wayne and Sue Qu (who knows if it's their real name, since the WTS seems to change the names of everyone they "interview").

    As a brief summary, the couple were studying to be high level scientists and moved to Europe in the 90's where they met some Witnesses. In 2000, they moved to Australia to continue their studies, "secular" and biblical. Here are two paragraphs that bugged me.

    * Wayne explains: "We had spent decades getting advanced university degrees. Yet, I would say to myself: 'In the end, we all grow old, get sick, and die.' Is that the purpose of life? It all seemed to be in vain. The Bible, however, gave Sue and me logical, satisfying answers to life's most important questions."

    The end of this seemed fishy, but I haven't had most of my collection of WTS material for a while. So if someone has a way of looking up that last sentence "the bible gives logical, satisfying answers" in WTS material, I'd very much appreciate it. I know I've heard them use that line verbatum in other articles.

    * Sue and I were baptized in 2005, glad that we found something of much greater value than higher education and 'gold that perishes.'

    Anyone who spends decades working to be a scientist, only to give it up because someone across the world says it's a condemnable waste of time, deserves to have nothing but illusions given to them.
    I don't grasp why the Organization frowns on higher education with their own people and then gladly takes the fruits of the labor of "Satan's System."
    The Organization dupes it's followers into missing a major point in higher education. And if Wayne Qu spent decades learning for the sake of money or knowledge, then he wasted alot of money missing the point as well.

    Knowledge is a legacy to be passed on and improved upon. Everything my father knew, he taught me. I learned from him and others and will teach my son, and he too, will learn more than I teach him and pass his knowledge on. Science started with practical purposes (knowing that rubbing two sticks together in a certain way makes fire). It evolved into understanding (learning that friction in general creates heat, not just two pieces of wood rubbing together). And those aspects are divided and used (learning what causes and prevents friction generated heat).

    Alexander Fleming was watching people die off from antiseptic poisoning and eventually discovered that it's only useful as a topical application. He went on to accidentally create, then master the understanding and creation of penicillin.
    Every aspect of modern medicine, including blood fractions and bloodless surgeries, was created by people who went to college and learned what a thousand generations of people learned and improved upon before they enrolled in classes. The latter examples of blood fractions and bloodless surgical procedures, ironically, were developed by "worldly people," not JWs.

    Isaac Newton, the man who discovered and developed the reasoning to answer "why do things fall instead of float away?" College educated. And he named this magical force, that turned out to not be Jehovah at all.

    But the WTS, in all their damnable hatred for higher education, they have real estate managers, business majors, lawyers, doctors, and advertising executives in their rank and file. All without a single chime of disapproval. Seems they only have problems with higher education that disproves the credit Jehovah gets for many things He's got nothing to do with. And they really haaaaaaaaate psych majors.

    I will try to cite this in the next 24 hours, and hopefully someone beats me to the punch, but I remember the WTS writing that group therapy should be avoided because you wouldnt want to share experiences of the Watchtower with worldly people, or something to that effect.

    I firmly believe that if they have such an issue with their people going to college, because they see it as a waste of time, they should stop using our land and resources. It may be Jehovah's world down the road, but it's governed by the secular world now. When the cat's away, the mice will play, after all.

  • Vidqun

    Agreed. At an assembly one listens to a talk where higher education is demonized. They interview a youngster that gave up his secular studies to go pioneering. Everybody clap in appreciation.

    Pity the story is not continued: When the person marries, have children, stop pioneering, and have to work secularly without qualifications. The alternative: The pioneer goes to Bethel, marries a lovely sister, which becomes pregnant, and they have to leave Bethel, to fight an uphill battle to survive in the world.

    Then at same assembly, at announcements they urge brothers and sisters to apply for Bethel, especially registered doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists. It boggles the mind.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    "Dear WTS, if higher education is a waste of time, don't eat the fruit it bares."

    arko_n9ne this is one deep and heavy statement! It packs a punch! Good Excellent title for a thread & likewise with your reasoning.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The WT would have everyone go back to starting fire with sticks.

    They would love nothing more than being the village soothsayers, demanding sacrifices to the Gods and choosing the victims from those who would defy them.


  • smiddy


    This is a good thread & one that should receive more attention,the hypocricy of the WTB&TS is incredible,they want the rank & file members to be uneducated,with minimum education,yet they have no problem propping up those who have had a law education( probably before they became witnesses),but certainly furthering their higher education in the interests of watchtower propagander

    Their hypocrites of the highest order


  • cedars


    Absolutely 100% in agreement with everything you say. The depressing thing is, the normal rank and file Witnesses still don't have a clue.

    I was going through some of the voter comments for the 2011 Survey in preparation for my final report, and I stumbled upon this comment:

    I was born into the truth. Have been baptized for 5 years. Its not true that we are not allowed to go to college or participate in extra curricular activities. I plan on going to college for 4 year. Right now I am on my schools soccer team and some clubs. My father is disfellowshipped my sister and I still talk to him. The borthers and sister are all fully aware of all these things. Yet you claim that we dont approve of them? Looks like you have some faulty information.

    Given the fact that this young man's mind is obviously deeply entrenched in the cult, I see no constructive purpose in offering any rebuttal to his arguments directly. This is a shame, because he is clearly blinkered to his faith, and evidently behind with his Watchtower reading. He may be "planning" to go to college for 4 years, but good luck to him if he thinks he can get away with it without receiving a stern 'talking to' from his local elders, who with his father disfellowshipped, will view him as a "fatherless boy" who merits their close attention.

    I am delighted that he is on his school soccer team and playing soccer at other clubs without repercussions, although either he is keeping this from his elders, or they simply haven't read the October 15th 2011 Study Edition of the Watchtower, in which a girl called Aurielle has a dark and lurid affair with handball, and later on Christians are encouraged to avoid any sports that feature "aggressive competitiveness, excessive risk taking, high rates of injury, riotous celebrations, nationalistic fervor, or similar 'ingredients'" (page 9). I love football, or 'soccer' as he calls it. However, if he can read this quote and not have the World Cup in his mind, then he must be involved in a different 'toned down' version of the sport than the one I support and follow.


  • man oh man
    man oh man

    I was born into the truth. Have been baptized for 5 years. Its not true that we are not allowed to go to college or participate in extra curricular activities. I plan on going to college for 4 year. Right now I am on my schools soccer team and some clubs. My father is disfellowshipped my sister and I still talk to him. The borthers and sister are all fully aware of all these things. Yet you claim that we dont approve of them? Looks like you have some faulty information.

    This idiot has been marked and he don't even know it! lol

  • Bangalore

    I think you meant bears,not bares.


  • WTWizard

    This sounds like the Rothschilds' current plan to enslave the world. The masses (those not slaughtered) live in confined human feedlots, are conceived through artificial insemination, snatched at birth from their mothers, raised in austere nurseries run by people that hate babies, trained to be slaves for their first 20 years, work under austere conditions at what they most hate for the next 30 years, get slaughtered when they are no longer able or willing, and that will be their retirement. Meanwhile, the Rothschilds (on top) get all the benefits. They get the technology to live until the sun destroys the earth or it gets knocked out of its orbit. They get all the luxuries while those under them live austere lives.

    The same rubbish is going on among the witlesses. The leaders are preaching that the masses under them need to spend all their time doing the deadest of works instead of something worthwhile, funneling all their wealth into those at the top (just like the Rothschilds funneling all the fruits of the labors of the masses toward the top). The leaders utilize this wealth to do what they condemn those under them for doing: Travel to distant lands (affluent ones at that), education, and so on is all but banned. Yet, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger fully benefits from it. The ones under them are to be trained to be slaves--not to do worthwhile work. While they do not get slaughtered, they often get thrown out onto the streets (those in Beth Hell, and hounder-hounders and up, who break a rule or become too old or infirm are disowned). And those under them, instead of getting slaughtered, are expected to work right up until death (often early). Instead of retiring, they do field circus right up until they are sometimes 90 and up.

    Some examples of things the Washtowel enjoys that they don't want anyone under them helping to improve include computers and the Internet, transportation, all types of medicine, and communications. They want full insurance, yet they want those under them to preach instead of doing medicine. They could, for instance, develop the technology that renders blood transfusions totally obsolete so it would go off the free market. They could also use religious exemptions to find and market cures for cancer that are illegal because of the Rockefellers' allopathic system and the FDA. They could have members developing pollution-free energy sources so the world wouldn't "ruin the earth". They could develop the perfect Internet system, allowing them to penetrate third world countries and have universal acceptance everywhere (and no more missing boasting sessions, since they would be present online for posterity). But no, they would rather the members slave by going door to door, wasting their time while their efforts produce virtually zero.

    For that reason, I think the Washtowel Slaveholdery ought to work without any of those resources. No printing presses. No distribution beyond horse and buggy. No coordinated buildings of Kingdumb or A$$embly hells. No CDs for those Kingdumb Maladies. And for those at the top making the decisions, let them heal their own damn selves. When they get sick, let them find their own cures. As it took industry to get heating oil and gas to headquarters, let them freeze in winter and swelter in summer. Let them create their own damn electricity. Let them build their own damn building, for that matter. If Noah could do it, then why not them?

  • DesirousOfChange

    * Wayne explains: "We had spent decades getting advanced university degrees. Yet, I would say to myself: 'In the end, we all grow old, get sick, and die.' Is that the purpose of life? It all seemed to be in vain.

    The meaning of it all is that each person faces a decision: shall you grow old and die penniless and pursuing an eternally unfulfilled pipe-dream (false prophecy), or rather pursuing YOUR dreams with the potential of leaving your loved ones a legacy of something that is real, meaningful (and perhaps even valuable)?


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