Christians: Morality question regarding judge who beat daughter

by SweetBabyCheezits 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    Easy there, Shelby. The "directives given by the "OT God" is not where I'm headed and, to be frank, I wasn't planning on probing your opinion anymore. But I do appreciate your contribution.

    LOLOLOLOL! Touché, dear SBC (peace to you!). I wasn't really trying to cause a "problem" or insinuate that MY opinion is what you were after - LOLOLOL! Just a little "gun-shy" of setups, is all... and your comments as to a different direction made me go "Uh-oh, now what's THIS all about." I could (should) have just kept my thoughts to myself. My bad. LOLOLOL!

    Wow, where to start? First item on my "agenda" was to collect information, views, perspectives. I didn't realize I needed to submit an outline. I feel like I'm on the Theocratic Ministry School again.

    You didn't need to and you shouldn't feel that way (but I know exactly how you feel ; I'm often expected to adhere to some unknown "standard", as well, so...). That's why I stated it was in jest. It was valid, IMHO, because that's exactly how I feel when the same is "required" of me. Since I know many review your posts, I took advantage, is all. Sorry 'bout that.

    Regardless, if you'd like collect your intellectual virtues and bow out of this thread with dignity (so as not to risk getting them dirty), I completely understand.

    I don't mind a little dirt, dear one; heck, I don't mind a lot of dirt. Again, just "perceived" a setup, albeit perhaps wrongly... and reacted. Perhaps wrongly there, too. Happens from time to time (well, at least with me).

    Peace to you!

    And you, as well!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Oops, double post. Sorry...

  • tec

    I think I know where you're headed, SBC. Could be wrong though, so we'll see. Not sure if that influenced my answer or not, knowing you had another 'angle'. But I can't think of how I might have answered differently.



  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Well, I figured my initial survey would throw a red flag since it’s no secret I dislike organized religion (and especially fundy Christianity since it influences life here in the southern US so much). But I'd hoped to get some real input without triggering defense mechanisms so… no, I wasn’t going to elaborate… yet neither did I make up a false reason for my questions so as to mislead anyone. If that’s "taboo" then call me Howard Stern.

    I was curious if any Christians on JWN - specifically those who believe in a literal eternal hellfire - felt that the Judge needed to be removed from his position (as he lacked a real sense of justice in dealing with his daughter) and/or if he should burn in hell. I was wondering if we had any Christians who felt like some of these commenters from Youtube:

    "These parents are a f--king waste of space and do not deserve to be breathing our air even living. I hope these parents burn in hell and are whipped every f--king second of their miserable time in hell."

    "Judge William Adams is not fit to be anywhere near the law system if he can’t even exercise fit judgment as a parent himself."

    As a nonChristian, I think this guy deserves to get the shit kicked out of him. But that goes for ANY parent who beats their child like this guy. Yet Christians who believe in a literal hell would insist that we have an omni-benevolent father (and judge) who is morally justified punishing His ‘children’ in infinitely worse ways than Judge Adams could even imagine. Condemn the earthly father who intentionally hurts his children to punish them... while praising a supposed heavenly father who tortures his children eternally to punish them...

    There are more parallels but for those who don't believe in a burning eternal hell, this is all moot, anyways, so I'll let it get buried.

    Peace, ye olde people of JWN.

  • tec


    I knew that was your point.

    I'm so smart.



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