My First Death Threat

by silentlambs 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    I agree with the others, Bill. You never know what religious fanatics bent on protecting their "Mother" will do.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • HenryP

    It could be a crazy JW or it could be a crazy ex-JW that will do anything to make the JWs look bad.


    Slient Lamb.

    You bet your boots you'd better report it! Don't be a silent lamb over this. The jws consider you spiritually dead anyway. Act now, the life you save could be your own. Every piece of evidence needs to be compiled, because it's gonna get worse. I think of the letters written in behalf of Beliz, and the post of those jws who still think the cause of SlientLambs is Satan backed. Have you forgotten the lies, the deceit, the consiracies that the WTS uses to keep it's org 'spotless'. Well, my friend, you are a huge SPOT that they can't make go away. YOU are a danger and a threat and they can't make you go away.

    It's this simple.......911!

    Be careful and wise, and our prayers are with you. My prayer for you this morning is for you to call the COPS.


  • rhett

    How is this a death threat? He's not threatening to kill anyone. Its just some loser who is trying to scare you. You're letting him win by just posting about it here and even more so if you call the police. Write him back asking if the magic bunnies are the ones that are going to kill you.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • silentlambs

    The following are all emails I have recieved from this person to date. They started in May of last year, they are listed from earliest to latest. It appears they are from Portugual.


    I heard something about the arrangement of your assassination. You'd better hire a bodyguard, because you've become a troublesome silent lamb for someone.
    Of course not. It is fantastic, all of those things just seem to happen in your country! Is that any new kind of entertainment?
    Get a honest job
    What spanish?? It's PORTUGUESE!!
    Não estou disponível,
    Fui beber uns kopos.

    Até breve!
    Não estou disponível,
    Fui beber uns kopos.

    Até breve!
    Não estou disponível,
    Fui beber uns kopos.

    Até breve!
    Please tell me Bill, do you mean the Jeovah's Witnesses or The Church of The Christ of The Last Days (Mormons)? I've heard something negative about them here in Portugal. The Wit. are recognized as being good citizens, not hurting anyone. Rather, they've been helping locals around here.
    I am surprised that suddenly lots of sex crimes are being discovered, even involving the Wit.! I don't mean I don't believe them, just find it so dreadful... has it been hidden or something?
    On the other hand, what to do with the faith in the true God? I thought it was the right way and the true christianism. Isn't the world's end close?

    I find it hard to believe such stories! Aren't you a rebel dissident? I would like to ask you, as an ex-member of Bethel and everything else for so many years, what are you think of doing with the rest of your life? To start a new life? It is really incredible... what was those all working years for?
    I hope that you're not going to kill yourself! Mart.


  • belbab

    Two thousand years ago the following words were recorded:

    Jhn 11:49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, "You know nothing at all,
    Jhn 11:50 nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish."

    Those words referred to the arguments of the high priest of those days. Some religious nut, who knows Portuguese may consider he has the answer to the Silent Lambs question and deliver his organisation from the attack from Gog or whoever.


  • anewperson

    It appears to be from a persistent bilingual (Portuguese, English) adult. As a precaution report it to the authorities. You are now a high-profile internationally known person involved in a controversial cause that evokes strong views for and against you, so take defensive actions.

    I myself am not well-liked even here because I have tried and will keep trying to prod the ajwrb to do more than they have for a year now, and I published an obituary of a suicided young ministerial servant which some of his friends had asked be done and which they said some of his family wanted done. We must persevere. Look at the string below where I suggested something positive that ajwrb could do and you will see I am called "s--t."

    May our heavenly Father remember those who persecute and those who are persecuted. Romans 13:1 says we can use the appropriate authorities which include local police, the FBI and interpol. They know the Olympics are about over and Dateline looms. Continue to save and archive the emails etc, and the best to you.

  • Bodhisattva

    How sad, he obviously needs help.

    Bit enough about newperson, let's talk about this nut that's emailing Bill. According to Bable Fish ( ), the translation of the Portuguese message is: ''The father will kill the son.''; Wait, that's from 'Angel.' Actually, its

    Ola'! I am not available, I was to drink kopos. Until briefing!
    I think it is more like, 'Howdy, I'm out getting drunk, see you later.' Probably an autoresponder, so in reality his emails purposefully directed to you have all been in English - very good English, beyond just the use of a spell-checker because the punctuation is good too. But it is believable as coming from someone who lives in a mostly non-English speaking area, as for example with the formal name of the Mormon church.

    Anyway, throughout his messages it is clear that this individual is confused, and it would probably be best if you let the police know about this correspondence.

    The god of the dolphins has flippers.

    Edited to fix quotation mark weirdness.

  • voltaire

    It's time we began to pray fervently. Repeat after me:

    "Dear Lord, protect us from your followers."

  • sf

    "Report it to the police."

    Officer Mad...

    You ARE the police. Now, what action have you taken for Mr. Bowens safety, now that you, as a law enforcement officer, are aware of this threat?


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