So my JW wife cheated on me. Need some help or at least a sympathetic ear.

by JonathanH 147 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twitch

    Irrelevant. Like I said, it ain't about you or your lifestyle. Maybe you'll get it this time. Maybe not.

  • curiouscynic

    You're making it about me, Twitch.

    At what point did I try and inject my "lifestyle" into the discussion, Twitch? What is my lifestyle??

    I merely offered the gentlemen some suggestions based on EXPERIENCE. Since you obviously have no such experience, you can't very well speak to the credibility of my suggestions. Your point of view is pure supposition, while mine is based on empirical evidence. Does that fact mean that every suggestion I made is applicable to the OP's situation? Absolutely not. It means that I'm throwing out some ideas that I know work for somecouples. In addition to that, I'm supporting the concept that punishing the offender by focusing on the transgression, under the circumstances, is counter productive.

  • Twitch

    Ok, why not?

    Jesus... you guys sure do sound like a bunch of prude XJ-Dubs
    You're making it about me, Twitch.

    Who's making what about who exactly?

    At what point did I try and inject my "lifestyle" into the discussion, Twitch?

    See above.

    What is my lifestyle??

    A guy who advocates swinging as marriage counselling?

    I merely offered the gentlemen some suggestions based on EXPERIENCE. Since you obviously have no such experience, you can't very well speak to the credibility of my suggestions. Your point of view is pure supposition, while mine is based on empirical evidence.

    I have no doubt that swinging works for some people. That is not in question nor do I doubt you have ecperience in such matters. But you're a minority and what works for you likely won't work for most. That is my point of view and it's more than just supposition.

    Does that fact mean that every suggestion I made is applicable to the OP's situation? Absolutely not.

    Fair to say this suggestion is not applicable to the OP's situation then?

    It means that I'm throwing out some ideas that I know work for somecouples.

    Which is not the subject here. See above.

    In addition to that, I'm supporting the concept that punishing the offender by focusing on the transgression, under the circumstances, is counter productive.

    If anyone is suggesting punishment, demonizing or villifying someone (your words), I do not abide. But I don't read that here.


  • curiouscynic

    Who suggested swinging? I did nothing of the sort. If you think otherwise, I would urge you to quote it.

    Once again, your WTS trained mind has caused you to jump to conclusions.

  • Twitch
    Who suggested swinging? I did nothing of the sort. If you think otherwise, I would urge you to quote it.

    Your post #230 on page 4, and I quote

    3. take her to a "Lifestyle" or "Swinger" club. Almost everyone has one within driving distance. Sometimes you have to pay for a membership... Go on a theme night, or contact the club and ask when it's busy. You would prefer an OFF PREMISE club. ON premise means that people go there to have sex. You probably don't want that. An OFF premise club will have a dance floor and probably a designated area for sex if that's allowed. Have her dress much sexier than would normally make her comfortable. Many women there will be mostly nude. Which reminds me... if there's more than one club in your area, do some research. I guarantee that there is one club that the hot people go to and others that are populated by fat people.

    Who goes to a restaurant and doesn't eat?

    Once again, your WTS trained mind has caused you to jump to conclusions.

    This bullshit again? Your game is weak. Really.

    And you're a liar.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Curiouscynic, you've highjacked this and made it about YOUR opinions and this is not the place to do that.

    Go post your own damn threat about swinging or whatever.



  • Twitch


  • NewChapter

    LOL WOW---I popped in here to see Jonathon was doing, and see that CC has stepped in it. I'm sure if CC recommends visiting a swingers club, and that is not Jonathon's style, he simply won't take the advice. No biggie---we are all very different creatures. Carry on.

  • lifestooshort

    CC has some valid points. He just needs an interpetor/PR agent.

  • curiouscynic

    I also said...

    I wasn't suggesting ACTUALLY swinging. But a swinger's club is a very sexually charged environment.

    JonathanH said that he was envious that he couldn't have the little fantasy that she had. I think going to a swinger's club [not swinging, not having sexual contact with anyone else] is a way to assuage that emotion. The idea is to recognize that it's natural to be attracted to and be found attractive by the opposite sex. And to figure out how to redirect the feelings of excitement at being found attractive and interesting BACK TO YOUR PARTNER.

    Again, we've already established that you've never been to such a club so you have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. I could make all sorts of assumptions about what goes on in a KH, but if I've never been in one my conclusions would be baseless and meaningless.

    My point was, she went to another man's house because she needed some excitement and he has a need to settle his jealousy issues. Properly handled, my suggestions fulfill both.

    I have no need of explaining myself on this issue, in particular. I'm offering the experience of a guy who is quite successful in associated matters. Take it, leave it. It's of no consequence to me.

    Who goes to a restaurant and doesn't eat? Come on, man... and what did I lie about? I've never lied once on any post on this board.

    And thank you, NewChapter, it never occurred to me that someone might take advice that they didn't personally deem valid. Apparently some disagree...

    Lifestooshort-- I've always been contrarian. Never much felt the need to strive for popularity.

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