I try hard not to judge others

by Found Sheep 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    I have some WV in my blood; maybe it explains why I can't pass up a dumpster w/o taking a peek :).

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    6of9 don't think you could pass for any of my dumpster diver friends

  • SixofNine
  • sabastious
    his is how I've changed. Years ago when I'd see them I'd be scared and not look at them. Today I smiled at the woman and said some "niceties" and the men, didn't want to provoke more looks but I even gave them a small smile. I got back to my car and it caught my attention that I have changed, for real.

    Good for you, that is so cool! Thanks for sharing your story.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    6 of 9 looks like what you'd find inside a dumpster! hehehe

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    yup that is how i changed white and dove....

  • moshe

    I was offered the chance to be a judge once - I wanted to , but my girlfriend told me I had better decline. It was a wet tee shirt contest.

  • AGuest
    I don't encourage dumpser diving

    Sorry, folks (peace to you all!), but I don't understand: what's "wrong" with dumpster diving? There was a story in one of our local papers about a poor immigrant couple who put 5 kids through college... on the cans they retrieved from dumpster diving. I mean, I don't [have to] do it, but apparently some have to/do. Maybe this is different and I'm missing something? If so, SOS, please?

    Thanks and, again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Aguest - If it is thrown away in my area NO ONE wants it!!!! so not a good thing! I lived in larger areas and the dump had a spot for "could use " stuff.... this place does too... so anything that some one may want is in a separate area. the dump has nasty garbage!!!! used tampons, condoms, broken glass... not something I want to be looking around in

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Aw Found Sheep thats a nice story. Your smile probably made their day x

    I remember 2 Christmas's ago, there was a homeless man camped out on the bit of common grass in front of my house, maybe 100 yards away. He is a bit of a well know drunk in the village, but harmless enough. It was freezing, and I mean freezing.....I could see he had a little fire going and blankets etc, but I felt compelled to help.......I told my study teacher about him and his plight and was told in no uncertain terms to stay well away from him.It was snowing hard and I couldnt stop thinking about him and how he came to be in this situation....(He used to be a local newsagent).

    Goodness me, the JW have such wonderful Christian love in them dont they? Not.

    Well, I cant help myself when it comes to others, and I trip trapped down there in the snow and took him a hot meal (Xmas dinner UK style)...and while he was clearly drunk, he was so appreciative of a hot meal, and I will never forget the look on his face. Bless him. I did this for 3 days.....woke up one morning and he was gone.

    It was a week later that I found out the 2 JW ladies I studied with had CALLED THE POLICE and he was forcibly removed......he spent Christmas in JAIL. (Public nuscience offences, apparently). I really couldnt believe it. I had intentions of asking him in to share our dinner with us Xmas morning, and instead he was alone in a cell. I guess it was for his own good?? Not sure. I still find it hard to understand how Jehovahs servants could be so meddling, vindictive, cruel even........

    I dont give money to the homeless but I do buy hot drinks and a sandwich now and again. Im a feeder (as Angus, Nugget, and Mummatron know!)....what I did I was compelled to do. I guess what they did ringing the police they felt compelled to do. But I will never understand it.

    Happy Christmas to you and yours FS xxx Paula xxxxx

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