Do you think that we are in the last days?

by stuckinamovement 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    God can do so much, he just can't be arsed!

  • lilbluekitty

    I don't know how far into the last days we are, perhaps not as much as JWs say but I think things are getting worse and that it will come when you don't expect it but I don't know if I should worry as much as I used to about it.

  • leavingwt

    Armageddon -- Just Around the Corner Since 1874!

  • Sapphy

    We might be in the last days of western hegemony. We might be in the last days of this particular type of economy.

    Last days before a JW envisioned Armageddon? No way.

  • N.drew

    I think people should define what "this system of things" means before predicting the end of it.

    I think it's the end of the gathering of the body of Christ. Will that ever end? And then when it ends how will it affect the rest? Why would the result have to be a cataclysm? Why are the people expecting that? It is illogical to be expecting something worse for the world. For many people world can't get any worse, not noticably anyway.

  • JWB

    "'And in the last days,' God says, 'I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams;'" (Acts 2:17; NWT)

    Peter is applying these words to what was happening to those Christians at Pentecost during the last days of the Jewish system of things. That is why there is a sense of urgency in various letters to the early Christian community. Those letters were written to people living in the first century, so why would the writers be talking to them about some time period in the future that would not affect them? Why would Paul warn Timothy about "critical times hard to deal with" if those times would never touch his life?

    "It must have been also with reference to the end of the Jewish system of things that Christ Jesus was spoken of as appearing and carrying on his activity 'at the end of the times' or 'at the end of these days.' (1Pe 1:20, 21; Heb 1:1, 2) This is confirmed by the words of Hebrews 9:26: 'But now he [Jesus] has manifested himself once for all time at the conclusion of the systems of things to put sin away through the sacrifice of himself.' "(Insight, Vol 2, "Last Days", 'Last Days of the Jewish System of Things', second paragraph)

  • N.drew

    Acts 2:17 can means for as long as forever. In other words untill there is an end or isn't an end. He will never leave his loyal ones, until (because it is possible) there are no loyal ones, then the "house" ie earth is abandoned to man alone. That's what we are trying to avoid.

  • OnTheWayOut
    God can resurrect the dead. God can refresh the sun. It's not going to die. imo It's also a bad idea to believe it will not last because if earth will self destruct anyway why should we bother trying to make it last?

    When that happens, let us know.

    Reality is never a bad idea. Living in pure fantasy as if it's reality is a bad idea. We bother because we do not know what's ahead if we take care of our planet. We may very well advance and live on past it's demise. We won't if we "self destruct" it before it's time.

  • trailerfitter

    TO answer your post. Records of events have been up until lately scetchy and accurate event recording is poorly accounted. You see more strife with people and humanity because there are so many people on the plaent so earthquakes effect more people. Krakatoa was the first ever recorded volcano eruption but we have archealogical evidence of Mt Vesuvious that erupted suddenly and killed a whiole town in their sleep. The earth has been maoning and groaning moving and shifting for an eternity. The WTBS couldn't predict anything accurately. They tried along with 1000s of others throughout historty in a desperate hope something will happen. It hasn't.

    Just to make a point ,... England suffered sulphur gas from a volcano eruption in Iceland. This gas was infact sulphuric acid that killed thousands of people who breathed it in. This was in the 1500's. The gas crossed over the UK and Europe in on summer. This was recorded in parish records but only in the 20th Century researched and found. No wrath of god but a natural event. Imagine what they must have thought when the gas traveled over the countryside???

    Humans have a facination for dooms~day prophesising and even the fire of London in 1666 was thought to mark the end.... 666 being the supposed number of the beast. Please, stop listening to people who make well out of telling you that it is all going to end soon ...

  • N.drew

    OTWO when what happens, sun exploding or sun not exploding?

    If the children of God do not live to the time of the end, why would God save earth? Should God save earth for wicked people and them who hate him? Would you?

    You won't even comment on the "who is the last poster thread".

    People who post here I have noticed won't even try to understand different points of view, but God should save people who hate him? Or even worse, should God save people who get other people to doubt him? Why?

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