Gathering summaries for class action lawsuit..... Six Screens Conference call

by koolaid-man 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    Former Jehovah's Witness Mark Palo featured on Free minds, who claims when he was a young boy was raped at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses by a governing body member named Leo Greenlees and says his life has been adversely affected by The Watchtower Org.

    He has lost most of his family, over indulged with alcohol and has faced unrelentless problems both physically and emotionally.

    Marks therapist is willing to speak up in a court of law and expose the evils of The Watchtower Society.

    Mark will be our guest in the 7 pm to 9 pm hours.

    The First Amendment (freedom of religion) has always been on the Watchtowers side in stopping class action lawsuits against them but a stunning new twist has emerged that may open up the flood gates for scores of new lawsuits.

    If your life has been turned upside down by The Watchtower Organization and would like to participate in and perhaps be compensated for the life altering damage caused to you then dial into The Six Screens of The Watchtower conference call Sat. Nov, 19, 2011 7PM.EST

    Many of the stories you will hear on this call will be very disturbing, but we applaud those that are willing to stand up and publicly expose the evils of The Watchtower.

    It is easy to get on the call...... no computer is needed, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925

    Our lines open open at 6:30 PM EST. so come on early and talk with all those that have been "touched by the tentacles of The Watchtower"

    No Fluff...... Just shock! In our 10pm hour a special anouncement will be made concerning "Johnny The Bethelite"

  • Balaamsass

    Can't wait!

  • Joliette

    I'll have to take a listen tomorrow inbetween cooking and cleaning and getting ready for work.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, would you please stop your shock bullshit?! Thank you!

  • koolaid-man

    Iamallcool the only shocking thing showing up on my posts is your uncontrollable obsession to ridicule and criticize.

  • Sayswho


  • Iamallcool

    Rick, YOU have uncontrollable obsession of bullshitting us.

  • truthseeker1969

    Im selling the Brooklyn Bridge for a dollar!

  • koolaid-man

    What happens when you do nothing?........ NOTHING!

    Get out of the bleachers and into the game.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If everyone who suffered perceived harm from a religion, could bring a suit, and a First Amendment suit, the courts could not function.

    What is your tort theory? What is your First Amendment theory? If you had one, I believe you would mention it so posters here could grasp it.

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