What is the WT's current stance on the age of the earth?

by popcorn_eater 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ScenicViewer

    How you view the age of the earth -- 49,000 years or less vs billions of years -- will depend on how you view Day 1 of the creation.

    I. Some people feel that Day 1 included the creation of the heavens and the earth, and if each creative period is 7,000 years long, the earth would have to be no more than 49,000 years old. This web site lays out the Days this way, https://www.calvinseminary.edu/worship/artwork/creationDays.php.

    II. Others feel the heavens and the earth were already here when the 7 creative periods began, so Day 1 begins with creating the light. This allows for the heavens and the earth being much older than other created things.

    That's how this web site shows it, http://www.bibleview.org/en/Bible/Genesis/7Days/

    The WTS takes the second point of view, light was created on the first Day. This chart is from the Insight book, p 527.

    Leolaia's excellent research shows that the Society has no problem accepting that the earth could be billions of years old, which their view of Day 1 of creation allows for.

  • blondie

    I always understood that the WTS taught that the earth, the rock itself was billions of years old but the transforming it for creation of life and making in ready for life took 42,000 years (7,000 years/creative day x 6 days). Creation here is not everything in the universe but the preparing and start of life on earth.

  • Dutch-scientist

    How about the Dino'S?

    or animals before 42000 year ago on the planet?


  • bigmac

    why not simply believe what the bible says---god made it in a day---he is almighty--he can do anything.

    oh--i am an atheist

  • undercover

    I always understood that the WTS taught that the earth, the rock itself was billions of years old but the transforming it for creation of life and making in ready for life took 42,000 years (7,000 years/creative day x 6 days). Creation here is not everything in the universe but the preparing and start of life on earth.

    The WTS willingly admits that the planet itself may be billions of years old. They even state as much in their newer publications as they seek to distance themselves from Creationists whose beliefs of 6 literal days or 1,000 year creative days are even loopier than their stated beliefs in years past.

    They point out that in Genesis that "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"..."and the earth proved to be formless and waste...". And then at some later point God started the 'creation' process on the planet itself. The WTS is quick to point to the first few verses of Genesis to back this theory up.

    But - if one accepts the entire Bible as inspired of God...and the WT/JWs claim to do so, then how does one explain these scriptures:

    Exodus 20:11 - For in six days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day. That is why Jehovah blessed the sabbath day and proceeded to make it sacred.


    Exodus 31:17 - Between me and the sons of Israel it is a sign to time indefinite, because in six days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and proceeded to refresh himself.

    When the WTS focuses on Genesis 1 and tries to validate the claim that the Bible and science are compatible, they conveniently leave out these scriptures which contradict not only science but their own doctrine.

  • james_woods
    I always understood that the WTS taught that the earth, the rock itself was billions of years old but the transforming it for creation of life and making in ready for life took 42,000 years (7,000 years/creative day x 6 days). Creation here is not everything in the universe but the preparing and start of life on earth.

    That is exactly what I was taught by them in the 1960s. Even if they have dropped using the 7,000 year creative days, I cannot see that it would make much difference to anybody familiar with science and archeology when they teach that no human lived more than just over 6,000 years ago. And, I do not think they have ever given up on the literal interpretation of bible ages for ancient characters who were supposed to have lived more than 900 literal years. So, they have a ridiculous figure for the creation of the very first human, (just like Bishop James Ussher) based on a ridiculous chronology which is obviously a work of fantasy - (again, just like Bishop James Ussher). That obviates any other attempts they may make to align themselves with known, proven science.

  • popcorn_eater

    And, I do not think they have ever given up on the literal interpretation of bible ages for ancient characters who were supposed to have lived more than 900 literal years.

    They still believe this, at least according to my kid, who said people lived longer back then because they were holier. Or something like that.

  • BluesBrother

    I think that we have established that the current teaching allows for an age of The Earth in billions of years.... As for Creative days?

    "Was Life Created Brochure p 24 (2010)

    "How long, then, were the creative days? The Bible does not say; however, the wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved."

    I suggested to some dubs recently that this comment would allow for life to be millions of years old...how long is "considerable time?". The answers ranged from "Of course it could" to "Do we not still believe in 7k year days?"

    The printed answers now seem to allow for anything..but Undercover's scriptures are very interesting...........
  • james_woods
    I suggested to some dubs recently that this comment would allow for life to be millions of years old...how long is "considerable time?". The answers ranged from "Of course it could" to "Do we not still believe in 7k year days?"
    The printed answers now seem to allow for anything..but Undercover's scriptures are very interesting...........

    So, the new light seems to be - we really don't know, but we dislike anything remotely scientific in nature...

  • blondie

    So if the 7th creative day we are in right now (WTS speak) is not 7,000 years long but of "considerable time," and the other six creative days are the same length, how close is the end? Millions of years from now?

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