Let's play God.

by Knowsnothing 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Knowsnothing

    Say you were God, and you happen to have fallen asleep for these past couple of thousand years. You wake up to see all the turmoil and such happening in the world.

    What would you do to make yourself known and to improve things in the world?

    I'll start it off. I would make a global broadcast via tv's, cellphones, and any other means possible (like you know, for the indiginous people of the rain forests that have no modern devices) to make myself known. I would then proceed to write my name clearly on the moon (I just hope asteriods don't erase it) and also set out ground rules for everyone to follow, for peace and prosperity.

    The thing is, what if after all this, people are still assholes? They have free-will right? They can still choose to snort cocaine, war, etc. How much would I really have to interfere to improve things, without interfering with free-will?

    What if I promised an afterlife, but people decide to live in the "now", and nothing changes?

    I have already:

    1.) shown myself beyond doubt that I am indeed God.

    2.) shown people what they must do, if they are to lead happy healthy lives.

    3.) I have a future provision of better life guaranteed, but they must act in this life.

    Isn't it really up to the people then, whether they shall or shan't follow me?

  • N.drew

    This is a problem; people are still assholes?

    Live and let live while you seek peace and pursue it. Nobody likes to be called an asshole, even in theory.

    The asteriod thing was funny!

  • LostGeneration

    I would prove myself by putting holes in the socks of people around the world when they aren't looking. In fact, that is what I already do...I wish people would take note of my presence!

  • Knowsnothing

    @ N.drew, I didn't mean to generalize. But, you know there are some pretty bad people out there. I put out the asteroid thing, because as funny as it sounds, it would be valid. I could write my name there, as God, but if I ceased to interfere with nature after that, chances are either asteriods or humans themselves would wipe my name.

    @LostGeneration, are the holes in the shape of a unicorn? Because, if the holes uniformly appeared like that throughout the world, then I would say that is a pretty convincing arguement for your presence. Would your name then be Cassiopeia?

  • Paralipomenon

    First I would find some nutcase and start to direct him. Let him know my kid is going to show up in a few years, but invisibly.

    Even though they had all the wrong information, I'd still support him and just keep flashing him, (with light... perverts) until he gets it right. After a while I'd hope that they would form a committee that would speak for me so I could have a nap.

    I'm a pretty proud God, so I would hope they could do all they could think of to cover up abuse, violence and deaths in my name. I don't want a lawsuit.

    After a short time, I would destroy everyone on earth! A very short time. We're talking fractions of minutes here, but God-minutes, so you can figure out how long that is for you, lol.

  • Knowsnothing

    Funny stuff guys, but in all seriousness, given that scenario, what would you really do? I like this exercise because even with God intervention, things still turn out pretty much the same.

    Another example. To prove that I exist, I make a brand new animal, and display it to the world. It is beautiful, functional in any environment, and barks or moo's my name. There is no question now that I exist, and that I am indeed God. I unleash it in the world, and guess what happens? It becomes the most sought after rare meat for restaurants. I had unleashed 1 million specimens into the world and in a matter of 6 weeks, they were all gone.

    I say, wtf is wrong with humanity?

  • Paralipomenon

    Are you talking about waking up as the biblical god? Or just some random all powerful being?

  • Lore
    What would you do to make yourself known and to improve things in the world?

    I'd find a random old guy and tell him everything I want done. Then I'd have him write a book about it and hope it all works out from there. . . Wait no that'd be stupid.

    I'd write magic text in the sky that says: "Under new management" for a week (But it goes away temporarily during sunrise and sunset, I don't wanna mess that up.) It would of course be magic text which is readable by every language from everywhere on earth. It'd be mirrored for people in the space station cause that would be funny.

    (I split the miracles up into days because it build anticipation and makes people excited.)

    Day 1: I cure everyones ailments. Stop all natural disasters and change all diseases so they no longer effect humans.

    Day 2: I make children invincible. In most video games when you attack a monster, it kills them, when you attack a friendly person or a child, it goes right through them. That's how real life should be!

    Day 3: I create a spell for summoning bread and fresh water. You just gotta draw some simple design on a container from dirt, ink, poop blood or whatever and a loaf of very nutritious bread appears inside the container. Tada, hunger is now solved worldwide, but you still gotta work if you want yummy food.

    Day 4: Addiction is no longer possible. Human brains stop thinking they need substances they really don't need. Drugs still work, you just don't get addicted.

    Day 5: I make a set of laws and rules, very simple ones. Everyone who follows these rules has the ability to teleport out of this dimension into a paradise-like dimension and associate with other people who follow my rules. They can of course teleport back and forth from this dimension whenever they want.

    Day 6: People who follow my rules gradually grow younger. When you stop obeying my rules, you gradually grow older 3 times as fast as you grew young. (That way you have to be good at LEAST 3/4 of the time) You can't die if you're following my rules. All of my rules are written on the inside of your freeking eyelids from birth which you can see just by thinking about them. This way nobody can change them without my permission.

    With those changes in place, it's now pretty much impossible for innocent people to be harmed.

    There's a little bit of micromanaging I'd have to do for a while. For example I'd probably give some kind of perks to all the doctors, nurses, firemen and other people who were awesome but depended on suffering to live and are now out of jobs.

    Sound a bit rediculous? Yeah well, I'm omnipotent, I can do rediculous things. Frankly if god existed these are the kinds of changes I'd imagine he'd make make. And I'm pretty sure none of this violates free-will.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Interesting... a little confusing but interesting. So what got you to post this?

    But just to play along...

    I would not have left people with Instructions (Bible) just to have them argue, seperate, and say I'm right your wrong.

    I think if he wants to get involved and our worship he should be more clear and enlightening.

    I think that if he wants us to have free will and a choice then he should allow other people or give them the control over others.

    If he wanted a leader or teacher that is good and humble, he should blattenly say "Here they are! Will you listen to them?"... and yeah not in ... "will the holy spirit showed me the way so you better listen to me"

    To many people manipulate and decieve... they should be counciled or delt with by God the righteous judge.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    I would change my name from Jehovah to Jah Man.

    lol! can you imagine the rush in JW land as they run arround trying to justify the ''new light''?

    The anouncement would be like:' brothers and sister we have just received new-light, we will now be known as Jah Man's Witnesses'.

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