Stupid reasons why songs are labeled "bad"

by WTWizard 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I can think of quite a few of those. One, I have heard that, since Boy George was on heroin, that listening to Culture Club would amount to taking it yourself. To me, that is a lame excuse to ruin a song or discography.

    Another example was Michael Jackson's Thriller album. They wanted me to get rid of that album because I would be "supporting that apostate" by listening to cuts from it. To me, even if one bought into that excuse that one should not support him, listening to an album one already has is not further supporting him. Yes, take good care of the album--always a good idea if you don't like wasting money replacing things. But, throwing it in the rubbish makes no sense. If you don't want it, then sell the damn thing--at least that way, someone else will have a chance to listen to it without "supporting that apostate".

    Once while I was out in field circus, one of the pious-sneers was discussing the song "Don't Worry Be Happy" being sung at Beth Hell. At one point I commented on it, and this pious-sneer snapped that it wasn't a Kingdumb malady--so what, does that make everything except Kingdumb maladies bad?

    Another was the inclusion of the word "crap" in the song. There are other songs that include "damn" in the song--"When I think back of all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all" was the line in question. Another had "Baddest man in the whole damn town" as its "bad" line. Since when is "crap" or "damn" a swear word in the 1970s and later? I can understand if it were back in the early part of the 1900s, nearer the Victorian era. But, "crap" has become an acceptable expletive since as long as I can remember (back in the 1960s).

  • JRK

    I remember the WTS bashing the Stones' "Let's Spend The Night Together." I liked it even more after it became taboo.


  • TheUbermensch

    I listened to Black Flag and the likes during my short stint as a believer. LOL

  • punkofnice

    I was told not to listen to Donovan as he was a paedo. I was told not to listen to Bowie because he was gay. I still did and no one was going to stop me.

    My Sex Pistols collection was kept in the cupboard so no one could see it and lecture me if they came around to hound me.

    A 'brother' who was quite a wimp once spoke to me about the dangers of 'backward masking' and prayers to the devil recorded backward on the tracks. Y'know the old 'stairway to heaven' rubbish.

    Oddly, he'd heard it was the bloody Electric Light Orchestra that had done it and commented how he felt dizzy when he heard an ELO LP. I ask you...the bloody ELO!!!! OK. So I'm not their biggest fan but I wouldn't be so twattish as to hear prayers to satan backwards on stuff like 'hello Mr Blue skies'!

    Good music is good music.......end of.

    Oh, and one of my guilty faves is Wayne County and the Electric Chairs - 'if you don't want to f*** me, baby, f*** off!' and so can the WBT$

  • rocketman

    Madonna's music was seen as undersirable (it wasn't all that good anyway ). I had one of her CDs, and an elder visting my home was visibly displeased when he saw it on my CD rack.

    There was a lot of talk about Thriller - don't buy the album, don't watch the video. I remember several discussions by Witnesses about that disc and the title song especially.

    It's not just jws either. I remember a letter to the editor of a local newspaper written by a "Christian" who objected to Bennie And The Jets by Elton John, contending that the lyrics fomented teen rebellion. Perhaps the letter writer was a jw, but it could have been any fundamentalist.

  • punkofnice
  • TheUbermensch

    Donovan? AHAHAHAHAH. Wow, folk music labeled as bad? Yikes. Donovan's first album was amazing.

    I had to hide Nevemind the Bollocks from my grandmother. ahahahahahah Thank God she never found it.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Here's why grunge is bad:

    Awake 1999 2/8

    "...Tribalism is also evident in some subcultures, such as the music scene: "In many cases," says Maclean's magazine, "the clothing matches musical tastes: reggae fans wear the bright colors and caps of Jamaica, while those favoring grunge rock sport ski tuques and plaid shirts." But whichever variety, the thrown-on, dressed-down, waiflike look of poverty, dubbed grunge, can cost a bundle."

    I was deeply insulted by that statement. It is very innacurat, arrogant, and rude.

    Grunge isn't about paying lots of money to look sloppy, and real fans know this. It's about not caring whether you have the best hair, the newest clothes, the sexiest makeup- that's why grunge bands frequently looked plain, and, yes, sometimes unkempt. The best grunge bands cared more about music than looking hot.

    Edit: I can't paste the other reasons. I'll try to post them in a seperate comment. Stupid computer.

  • MrFreeze

    ELO has a part of the song "Fire On High" has part of the lyrics played backwards in the song. If you play it backwards it says "The music is reversible but time is not. Turn back. Turn back. Turn back. Turn back."

    Is that demonic? I don't think so.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Here's more:

    Awake 1997 5/22

    "Death metal, "grunge" rock, and "gangsta" rap seem to revel in violence. And according to a San Francisco Chronicle report, "many industry insiders are predicting that the most fearsome groups are on their way to the top." Anthems of anger and death have now become popular in Australia, Europe, and Japan. True, some bands have tried to adopt a more benign message. Nevertheless, the Chronicle notes: "Evidence suggests that there's not much of a market for innocence.""

    WTF? Grunge isn't violent at all. Some individual grunge songs are, many of which are meant to be ironic. But there are many anti-violence grunge songs as well. "Rape Me" and Polly", anti-rape songs by Nirvana are just two of many examples. Grunge really isn't known for violence, and to compare it to death metal is idiotic. Some grunge was even obviously defiant of heavy metal in general (not just death metal)- and even made fun of it.

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