Dr. Conrad Murray found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for Michael Jackson's 2009 death

by wha happened? 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wha happened?
  • moshe


    I received a small dose of propofol for a colonoscopy last month- I was asleep for only 15 minutes- I woke up feeling like I had been sound asleep for a whole night. I can see why Michael Jackson liked the stuff- and he was likely addicted to it.

  • shamus100


  • skeeter1

    According to JW belief of the hereafter, MJ is just asleep right now! Rest in Peace, MJ.

    (I feel very bad for his kids. They are the true victims here).


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I thought it was a weak charge to pursue. How is it not murder? But then, Los Angeles has a very poor record of convicting celebraties. After all, they can hire the best and the city has........

  • skeeter1

    Murder is intentional, preplanned. In other words, Dr. Murray WANTED or INTENDED to kill MJ and gave him a pill he knew would kill him.

    Intent is hard to prove, as the doctor would say that he was trying to help MJ.

    Manslaughter is the killing of a person, but isn't necessarily intentional or preplanned.

    Involuntary manslaughter is a much lower form on the "you did bad" crime poll. Yes, you killed a person. But, you didn't set out to do that. Usually, this is a term used for car accidents. You were driving too fast (i.e. reckless) and your driving too fast reasonably caused a man to die. Same thing here. Doctor was acting recklessly, giving MJ a pill that could cause, did cause, or set a chain of events that reasonably caused his death.

  • d

    Finaly justice has been served. Rest in Peace MJ

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Murray's conduct certainly was reckless. MJ reminds me of Andy Warhol. He feared dying in a hospital and refused needed surgery. His doctor arranged for him to hire a private duty nurse rather than rely on the usual staff at a prestigious hopsital in NY. Something went wrong. B/c he had the private duty nurse, the regular nurses did not do their routine checks. Without the private duty nurse, he would have survived. His nurse fell asleep over Bible materials.

    Are we supposed to die b/c our doctors have to use the bathroom? IF Michael would admit his addiction, his drugs could have been tapered. Insomnia can be so hard to bear.

  • blond-moment

    I just think that more doctors who act as drug dealers SHOULD get punished. Drug dealer is a drug dealer, why does having an MD behind your name make it OK?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    First degree: killing with the intent to kill. Usually requires premeditation. Also includes felony murder - an unplanned murder that occurs during the commission of a felony (example is defendant burglarizes a house and during the burglary kills the homeowner - no premeditation but committed during a felony).

    Second degree: killing with the intent to do harm but not the intent to kill. Example - shooting someone in the leg with the intent to wound but not kill, and the victim bleeds to death.

    Third degree: killing that resulted from indifference or negligence. Usually there must be a legal duty (parent - child), but can also include crimes like driving drunk and causing a fatal accident.

    Fourth degree: felony murder committed by an accomplice. Same as felony murder, but instead of one burglar there are two. Burglar A kills the homeowner and that is first degree murder. Burglar B did not take part in the killing but did take part in the burglary and that is fourth degree.

    An attorney sent me this but he said alot of it is old information. Local laws and statutes redefine alot of this. Although not versed in law myself, I often bounce ideas off him. He was my business partner for years so I get to talk with him without the $350hr retainer lol.

    But this is why I thought the manslaughter charge was weak. I supoose they could have gone after a stronger charge, only to lose at trial

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