Bethany Hughes case dropped

by zengalileo 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    No one's laughing at Bethany's death.


  • Iamallcool

    I know that you are not laughing at Bethany's death, but it is not a good time for Shirley to make a joke on this thread.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Shirley wasn't making a "joke". But what she said I found funny, as it was witty and ironic.

    You need to hang around people more. In time you'll understand how adults work.

  • isaacaustin

    Actually, Bethany did receive the blood transfusions...many. Didn't the doctors finally say she had enough, they could no longer help her?

  • ShirleyW

    Listen Iamnotcool, My above statement is in no way a joke, okay? Case closed.

  • shamus100

    Casting the drama queen aside,

    Question: Is that Lawrence from Calgary Canada?

  • ShirleyW


    Just asking, who's the drama queen

  • zengalileo

    The return of Shirley W the cackling hayenna. Rip and tear. Why don't you post something with substance for once, you shallow b....

  • james_woods
    The return of Shirley W the cackling hayenna. Rip and tear. Why don't you post something with substance for once, you shallow b....

    Here, I think we see a sample of what went wrong with this case, and what went wrong with all the solicitations for it under false pretenses here on JWN.

  • ShirleyW

    Yeah James, refer to my post above.

    I quote someones own words, but yet it comes back to me, Oh well, I guessthe Borg did literally fuck up some peoples minds.

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