Sick With Love

by compound complex 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • talesin
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Found Sheep and talesin:

    CoCo Trouve de la Paix

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    As Jeffrey sat slowly down on the park bench his usual spot these days he looked around at life remembering, regretting what he thought were his failures and missed cues. When suddenly he was jostled by another sitter and feeling somewhat annoyed he was about to sigh loudly at the intrusion but the old man next to him smiled. He introduced himself as Asrael a peculiar name indeed. Forced into the situation Jeffrey tried to be polite even though there was an uncomfortable silence until Azrael said " you know I've traveled much in my life, I've loved I've lost and I've enjoyed my share of evil deeds and as he looked intently into Jeffrey's eyes he said and you...Jeffrey thought if your life was so interesting what are you doing sitting here alone on this bench with me. It seemed as if he knew his thoughts and he said "This is a gift a time to sit and review what you have learned and prepare for the next time." Azrael then got up and said "see you later my friend".

    A crowd had gathered around the park bench as the old man was carefully lifted into the ambulance. People who had passed by said that he looked like he was just napping peacefully in the warm afternoon sun.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Nancy ...WONDERFUL TALE!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    You once were true. I was your only one.

    With no more than the fierce beating of my heart as your signal, you would hasten deliciously into my presence and cherish me as none other. You were so sweet, so delectable. While others were consumed with envy and styled you a villain, the embodiment of mere carnal pleasure let flow, you delicately removed the shackles of my heart. You, sweet savior, were a liberator, whose glance, whose touch, whose kiss, revived me. My window was ever open to you. Upon wings of desire you floated through and lit softly upon my chamber floor.

    Where, now, have you and your sweet offerings of love taken up residence?

    I am sick with love and can bear my aloneness no longer. Gazing mournfully out the frozen pane that divides you from me, I see you as inattentive and uncaring. For too long a time you you refrained from entering into my presence and gifted me with love's dream revealed. My offerings of tears have not moved your heart nor opened it on my sorrowing behalf. You are well acquainted with the desire of eyes, the burning blood that courses madly through veins not meant to contain such fire. When once more, if ever, will my dream of love become entwined with my corporeal self?

    This raging love of mine is pent-up waters behind a crumbling dam of dust and bone.

    Where, my errant love, are you?

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


    I think you need to take a little fantasy trip in the estrella beer video that Gubberningbody has posted on the thread you can live in paradise on earth.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Headin' that way, Nancy!

    Thanks for the tip.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Thanks for posting. Before I read the entire post, I thought you were quoting from a Romantic era poet. It was a nice treat. I cannot write creatively at all.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, dear Band on the Run:

    Your kind words humble yet encourage me.

    Since childhood I've been a living anachronism. Your posts, which I always read, have delighted me with the combination of your intelligence, professional expertise and an evident approachability.

    Peace and blessings

    CoCo d'un age anterieur

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    It was the fall of 1960 when he quietly moved into that peaceful Mr Rogers like neighborhood. It was a friendly place and his neighbors were always intrigued by his unusual garb his impeccable manners and what they felt was his quaint use of the vernacular. At the dinner table they would speak of his eccentricities in endearing terms and they were fond of him though not knowing him for very long but that was the way in 1960. One evening as Jean-Luc Picard was working in his garage ( yes Jean-Luc Picard a name he had chosen for his adventure) a loud explosion was heard throughout the neighborhood and everyone rushed over to Mr. Jean-Luc's as he was fondly called with concerned faces they moved the crumpled door little did they know they were about to witness a prochronistic event. While still in a daze and dressed even more oddly than usual Jean-Luc said call 911 on your cell phone and as the neighbors looked about wondering what he was asking for they spotted what looked like a tv with a typewriter in front of it and several other unusual items everyone was baffled and as his mind cleared he realized his time travel adventure had caught up to him. Assuring everyone that he was fine he shuffled everyone out of his garage.

    Not seeing any activity for several days the neighbors became concerned and entered the house but it was completely empty and the strange objects in the garage had disappeared. A new family moved in the next week and when asked about Mr.Jean-Luc well no one knew anything about him. The mystery continued for years as the story grew into something people spoke about around campfires.

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