Halloween as a Jehovah's Witness Kid

by Badfish 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • lostmama

    I was not raised a jw, however in my 20's I met a guy who was/is. At the time he was not active but still didn't do anything. Well 9yrs later we have 2 kids ages 9 and 7. we are no longer together, haven't been for 3yrs. for about 21/2 to 3yrs he has been studying and teaching the boys. So as you all know halloween was the other night. A couple of weeks ago the boys wanted to go out then after seeing their father for a weekend visit they decided that it was boring and didn't want to go. Well I bought costumes anyway. My oldest changed his mind and wanted to go out so we went out. My little one did not. So father calls that night and talks to them and finds out the oldest went and out and proceded to give him a 10 mins spiritual correction (i think that's what he called it) and told him not to eat the candy that is satan's candy. My little one who didn't go out but ate the candy also got a 10 min correction. Are you freaking kidding me? My little one didn't want to celebrate his birthday last year, but when the day came he wanted to. I can't stand this. I didn't know what I was getting into back then. I wish I knew. I don't know if that would have changed anything though. By the way we never married. He was an alcholic and pot smoker, and doesn't have a job right now hasen't for 3 yrs. He is supposedly sober. the court ordered him to therapy. No one in his family will help him pick up his kids for his visits since he doesn't have a car. Such a long story here. I could go on about more, proabley in another post. Saw the halloween post and had to put up my expierence or more so my kids.

  • Jim_TX

    My mom started studying with JWs when I was about 5, so I don't remember doing the Halloween Trick-or-Treat. My older sisters though, I'm sure that they had a few Halloween memories.

    Growing up, on Halloween day, we would sit at home, in the dark, no TV. If we tried watching TV, the little kiddos would see a glow from our TV and come up the sidewalk and knock on the door. I remember being afraid of them for some reason, and yet at the same time, wanting to dress up in a costume or something. Free candy. Yeah... as a kiddo, that was appealing, too.

    If Halloween happened on a 'meeting night', we would attend the meeting. Way back when, they used to hold meetings on Tuesday evenings, in the homes of individuals who volunteered the use of their homes. There would be groups of around 10 to 25 people all sitting in the living room with our books. Reading questions, and giving answers from neatly underlined (or highlighted) paragraphs. On Halloween nights, this would not change, other than occassionally there would be a knock at the door followed by a yelled "Trick or Treat!!!". Someone would go to the door and kindly inform the kiddos that we weren't doing Trick or Treat. I'm not sure if any cars got egged or damaged. I don't think so.

    If the meeting happened to be at the KH, there would still be kiddos, and usually some 'attendant' would go to the door ant quietly talk to the kiddos.

    Musta been a drag being a kiddo and not getting candy from the JW Scrooges on that night. But, for every rejection, there were 10 to 20 other doors that they scored lots of candy.

    I remember one time as an adult, I was living in an apartment complex. It was Halloween, and I was at home watching my small 9-inch black and white TV. I had the curtains closed, and thought that I would be okay sitting there in the darkness hiding, as I watched my TV. Well, there was a doorbel ring followed by "Trick or Treat!!" I paniced. I turned off the TV and tried to be really quiet. I heard the teenaged kiddo outside saying, "Oh sure! Turn off the lights!" A few minutes later, they left. I remember feeling silly sitting there, trying to hide from... what? Kiddos out door knocking.

    After I got divorced from my JW-wifey, I was able to consider celebrating holidays. Halloween was the first one that some friends helped me with. They invited me over to their home where they were going to give out candy. Their own kids went 'round the block, knocking on doors and getting all the candy their bags would hold. I actually relaxed and enjoyed that time spent with them, and the gal I was dating at the time. I didn't have any costume to wear, my girlfriend wore a beautiful feathered mask and long gown. I mainly enjoyed watching the kiddos come up dressed in costumes and yelling "Trick or Treat!!", after which we would hand them candy, and compliment them on their costumes. (Some kiddos really get into it with make-up and everything).

    This last Halloween, I got my wife a 'Super Hero' costume, complete with mask. We had already gotten her the 6-inch high-heeled boots that came up over her knees. I also got her some black fishnet hose and a blonde wig. (Well, silver hair, really) She was all dressed up in it, nd really looked cool! Me? I had one or two masks that I wore, but those get hot really fast, and so I really wasn't dressed up in any costume. We set up a table and chairs outside in the drive where we sat most of the evening. I just enjoyed seeing all of the kiddos come up in their costumes, as we handed out candy and glow sticks. Kiddos really like those, as they can be seen at night.

    I apologize if this went off-topic a bit.


    Jim TX

  • talesin

    We used to go away for the night, to the country. When we got home, I remember our house had been egged one year. My mom used to make a big deal out of it "this is the night that Satan and his demons are SO HAPPY, they are in their glory, because everyone is worshipping them!" ...

    Can you say ... crazy & demented?


  • ShadesofGrey

    As Christians, we had decided not to celebrate Halloween. So we told our daughter we would not be giving out candy. We took our kids to an alternative party a week prior to Halloween and dressed up in non-scary costumes and got a lot of candy. But Halloween itself was still a no. So we turned off the porch light and closed the window and the kids were peeping through the slats to see the trick or treaters just as I did when I was a JW kid (torture).

    My daughter could take it no more and opened the window. Doorbell rings. Candy for all of the cutesy spidermen, pirates and princesses. Joy on all faces. Neighbors (the parents) waving to me. Lecture for daughter. "But I just want to make the little kids happy." I understand. Do we love our neighbors that are going to the effort to trick or treat and understand that they have their own conscience or do we take a stand on the holiday? Confusion in my heart.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Free - Ya now I think it's funny but at the time..... glad it made you lOL

    I dressed up this year!!! posted it some place here but can't find it now?

  • mrsjones5

    Shades, Romans 14:5-6:

    5 One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. 6 Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.

    You don't have to be confused and worried about it but I would give your daughter a little slack. When parents make certain fun thing forbidden it tends to peak kids interest even more. I know for myself being raised in the bOrg and restricted from Halloween, Christmas, and my birthday did nothing to decrease my desire to celebrate them.

  • ShadesofGrey

    Mrs. Jones: Thank you, friend.

  • garyneal
    Do we love our neighbors that are going to the effort to trick or treat and understand that they have their own conscience or do we take a stand on the holiday? Confusion in my heart.

    Certain sects of Christianity can mess us up. I joked with my wife on our anniversary concerning the holidays. My wife wants to celebrate but fears the consequences. I pointed out that I like celebrating Halloween (SATAN's birthday according to Chick Publications), and she likes celebrating Christmas. I told her that at least all she was going to do was die, I'm going to HELL for all eternity. We got a good chuckle out of it.

    I celebrated Halloween and took the kids out trick or treating. Many of the kids at my church were talking about trick or treating and what they were going to be on Halloween. Oh well, I guess.

  • mrsjones5

    ((((Shades))))) You're welcome Friend.

  • ziddina
    "I have nothing in common with these "normal people" nowadays, so now, once again I'm labeled as a freak because I've turned into an alcoholic because I have to escape the world in order to function.
    What a fucked up world we live in. Well, when I'm destroyed at Armageddon for being a wicked drunkard I guess I will realize they were right and I was wrong. ..."

    Geez, Dude, just because you were deprived as an 8-year-old, DOESN'T mean that you hAve to CONTINUE TO BE DEPRIVED!!! [By the way, I missed a LOT of Halloweens, too; parents beat and bullied me into the cult from when I was 5 years old...]

    I'm WELL into "adulthood" now, but here's what I usually do for Halloween...


    Zid - the She-Devil - and sometimes a Dragon, too!!

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