How important is or will be the WWC case? too good to be true?

by Aussie Oz 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JWdaughter

    This is a late thought, but has anyone considered filing a brief as a "friend of the court" perhaps emphasizing that the thing should not be dropped merely because the WT or whomever says that they are now complying? In the interests of making certain it is case law and that there is a precedent that this is not optional or discretionary? I am sure that great examples of such issues (being let off too easy) could be found in other religious or social organizations (schools, scouts, etc). Because I think that a motion for dismissal is likely. Someone needs to fight against that and speak with prosecutors office. If possible and if there is any kind of legal use of that FRIEND OF COURT status in Australia. . .

  • Vidqun

    James, you'll remember that Moses was out about forty years with his expectations. The apostles also wanted things to happen in their day (Acts 1:6). So the Witnesses are in good company. Everyone that adheres to a religion thinks he (or she) is right. E.g. the Catholic holds fast to the Catholic Church because he or she believes that is where salvation lies. And yes, they do look down on other religions, even though they might not say so. Look, my little boy is in step, all the others are out of step, says the mother from the pavilion. The same with the Witnesses. I believe Jehovah and the Bible are dependable, however, because of imperfection no human can be trusted.

    Sweeney, if you are a keen student of history, you'll know that not all Israelites were killed by the Babylonians. They were taken into exile as punishment. And yes, you're right, Jehovah has not changed. As the Creator he decides between life and death. It is His right because it all belongs to Him. So it would be a good idea to get on His side, whoever you are. What I meant about the leadership, these ones are more reprehensible and would one day have to answer to Jehovah. James 4:4 says: "Adultresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God" (cf. Rev. 13:8; 14:4, 5). All these cases refer to spiritual adultery. Most of the time this would be the course fleshly Israel followed. Eventually God would reject them as His chosen people.

  • mauiboy

    Perhaps what happens to the WTB&TS and their vigorous preaching campaigns and efforts at recruiting converts will be determined by locales. As this issue becomes more widely known (I intend to do my part, having forwarded this link to many people, and passed out prints of the charges etc. to many folks I know), I would not be surprised to see statutes and ordinances passed that would require JW's w/in that area to submit to WWC-type I.D.'s. If I had children and knew of the situation currently being unveiled in Victoria, I certainly would not want men or women affiliated with a pedophile-covering organization canvassing my neighborhood.

    The end-game may be beyond our ability to speculate. But it sure as the dickens is fascinating to watch. Looking forward to Nov. 9th with high hopes of detailed and accurate reports of the previous court-day being posted. Many thanks to Steven Unthank for everything. Barbra Anderson also: Thank You so much. Also appreciation to Aussie Oz; please keep us posted if you are able to go. Too bad there is not internet-TV link. This case is extremely important, as it has the potential to touch JW's and non-JW's deeply around the world; with the goal of protecting children from lurking pedophiles -- be they 'Dubs' or not.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    i think you have not moved past the JWs by even a foot, if at all.

    Avail yourself of google and you will find a number of religions that meet and even exceed the JWs own set of proofs as gods chosen ones.

    JWs are so far from unique, and qualification as 'the one' its a joke,

    and no, i will not provide those religions....thats for you to research.

    PS...I hope the case sets a precedent alright. the dismantling of organized religion full stop.


  • wobble

    Dear Vidqun,

    Whilst agreeing with A.Oz above, I would like to say, A BIG WELCOME !

    And if you are inclined, post your story, introduce yourself to us !

  • Vidqun

    Not exactly on topic, but allow me to introduce myself. I am a free thinker (and a Witness), have always been, will always be. I study the news closely, to try and establish where I stand in the stream of time. I say my say. Not a compatible combination, making me very unpopular. Close family in the Truth view me as an apostate. To top it all I am a serious student of the Bible and prophecy. I have a library next to none. I believe in absolute truth as found in the Bible. Absolute truth is found all over, not only in Watchtower publications. This I pursue at all costs. I am not confrontational, but peace-loving. But I will defend truth as I see it, even to the death if necessary. In actual fact, the NWT is based on the Biblia Hebraica and the Greek W&H text, publications that have not been penned or printed by the Society. Most of the sources that are quoted do not originate with the Watchtower either. Early in my studies I realized that if you want to get to the truth, you need to have a thorough knowledge of the original languages of the Bible (30 years ago). I have written extensively about my studies and research, and will use it as I go. Oh yes, not that it's important, but I have studied at University. I think that was where my leperhood started. If one takes up secular studies, you automatically qualify as "a rebellious spirit" and "in want of heart". I believe the young ones must develop their brains (and study further), or they will turn into mush, i.e., their brains. On the one hand the Society discredits Higher Education, and on the other hand they invite registered doctors and nurses to work at Bethel. Something wrong here....

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    A free thinker that believes in "absolute truth." Ok.

    Welcome. You seem to have everything covered. Nevertheless I hope you learn something here.

  • JAFO

    Vidqun wrote:

    I believe in absolute truth as found in the Bible.

    If you think the Bible is absolute truth, you really really need to read (and I hereby challenge you to do so) The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories. (You can download it directly from that link)

  • WontLeave

    Welcome to the forum, Vidqun. I too am a current Witness, although I haven't been to a meeting in months. Every time I go, it makes my brain hurt to hear the moronic things said from the platform, in the comments, and read from the magazines. The average JW is woefully ignorant (even of the Bible). Studies have shown they're also many times more likely to have a mental disorder than the national average. A recent Pew poll discovered lots of other tasty little morsels about how JWs have the lowest incomes, lowest education, unhappiest lives, lowest retention rate, etc., among American churches. While I agree there is a difference between the congregation members and the leaders, the latter cannot exist and behave as they do without the complacent support of the former. When you have a chance, you might want to peruse my paper "Do Christians Have Human Leaders?" It points out some things that made me really start to question the "organization" and the cult-like conditions within. While I agree with many of the JW doctrines, some things they have totally and obviously wrong. Many are just embarrassing: Birthdays, blood transfusions, I even found out recently they hold the Memorial on the wrong day. I was so flabbergasted, I wrote this.

  • Vidqun

    I don't want to digress from the thread, so here's a new thread: Absolute knowledge vs. Relativism.

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